Rhyme Star's Roadmap

With online assistance galore, speaking one's mind is no longer a chore. These days all you need is an internet connection. HTTP In Tha House will give your flows a dot-org inflection. Plasma Studii's Judson developed the site to 'shout out some dope rhymes,' and the battle-worthy bot delivers, time after time. Type in a URL (on your Dell?) and HITH produces a holla for your homies to yell. This site reads your site's script all dramatic, and assembles 16 lines, automatic. HITH only needs a hundredth of your words, so 'it hacks them down and reassembles' for all the hip hoppin' nerdz. Bits and bytes are run through a rhyming dictionary, and results greatly vary. So try your URL again and again, subject yourself to an HTTP spin. Observe the cut-up given to Net Art News' home, Rhizome: 'class fresh object positioning hack// href http yack // agonistics a language game// http rhizome maim.' Judon's engine sifts your digital silt, assembles patchwork quilt, remixed to tha hilt. So bring some thesaurus to your chorus, or just reorganize your code. HTTP In The House brings fresh flows to your node. - Marisa S. Olson