Digital Diaspora

As terms like 'eTourism' and 'digital tourism' become common commercial slang for the uses of new media in exposing more of the *Center* to more of the 'Periphery,' it is also easier to find examples of new media artists working from such outward-looking subjectivities. But how do artists engaging the technology as subjects derived from the 'Periphery' look inward? Digital Africa, an exhibit presented by the African Film Festival and Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), deals with relationships between diasporic identities and digital technologies. The show features 5 works in video, installation and interactive mediums, including a new web-based project by Mendi and Keith Obadike, 'The Pink of Stealth,' which includes audio, hypertext, and a game ( The exhibit is at the venerable EAI and runs through 25 November. -Ryan Griffis