Run_me Getaway for Software Artists

Software art presses the notion that all the materials of today's society, for example word processors and email clients, are open to critique and analysis and are subject to experimentation. Besides addressing utilitarian tools, software artists also develop astonishing formalist projects using code. If you want to get involved with this important cultural field, consider attending Read_Me 2004 -- a 'Software Art and Cultures Conference' which will be held in late August, 2004 in Aarhus, Denmark. The festival will host seminars and panels so that those researching and practicing in the fields of programming, design and art can share findings. Software enthusiasts and users are also welcome, and all participants are likely to enjoy the city-wide Dorkbot camp that will follow the formal conference. Until March 1, 2004, organizers are accepting abstracts so if you want to present at Read_me, it's time to start working on your script. -- Rachel Greene