Fall in Love with Zombie and Mummy

From the 'grandmother of net.art' Olia Lialina (who has just entered her 30s), and music producer Dragan Espenschied come the adventures of Zombie and Mummy. Their capers include making family trees, moving house, and going swimming, and they're executed with found Web debris (images, animations, backgrounds), line drawings in the comic strip mode, and goofy music. These fresh narrative doses, and varied, energetic pastiches are slotted to appear online every Monday through March 2003, and can also be downloaded to Palm Pilots. My favorite episode thus far has been when Zombie and Mummy make a homepage, as the page's links and animations reveal that the artists' interests are beyond the horizon of Google, somewhere in a DIY, homemade net.art region I've been missing. -- Rachel Greene