To make the portrait of God in 2003 : Deadline

Nietszche said : "God died". Malraux said : "The 21st century will be
spiritual or will not be"

"Nowadays, the ways of knowledge pass by the media"
And by Internet: in this space anamorphic, "the new syncretic beliefs have
today their relays assured"

1> Would it be presumptuous to believe that new places of cult, "cathodic
cathedrals", electronic temples and virtual altars open out beyond our 5

2> Which emerging spiritualities ? Which new idols? Which new prayers?

please send your files :

.doc .jpg, .gif, swf, - 500 Kb max.

DEADLINE : october 30
After this date, a video will be realized with a selection of images and
prayers (recited by singers).


Tamara Lai

- sorry for crosspostings