Interview with Thomson and Craighead

"Charlotte Frost's interview with British duo Thomson & Craighead. Well
known for works
like Trigger Happy and Dot-store, I first met them around 1997, and was
intimidated by their sophisticated grasp of contemporary art issues and
charmed by their easy-going ways. This highly readable interview
explains some of the thinking behind three of their major projects, and
was conducted by Charlotte Frost, who has her own winning combination of
smarts and charm. It's refreshing to read a contemporary art interview
where participants actually seem to have fun!" - Rachel Green

Thomson and Craighead Interview
(by Charlotte L. Frost)

Over the last ten years, Jon Thomson & Alison Craighead have been
working with video, sound and electronic networked space to create
gallery and site-specific artworks and installations which have been
exhibited nationally and internationally, making them one of the UK