
Birge - Clauss - Silhol

SOMNAMBULES is a choreographic and interactive show for the Internet in 12 scenes and their preludes. It puts together contact dance, painting, video and music.

Dance Contact Improvisation, which for Didier Silhol is in France one of the forerunners, deals with physical laws and human relations through gravity and expansion, altruism and resistance, inertia and impulse, submission and refusal, things which find their resolution in dance.
Filmed movements of the dancers are screened into scenery built from painted elements, playing with matter and transparency.
Interactive music is composed after the emotions it renews ad infinitum, confronted with the images.
Interactivity, both graphical and musical, places the player at the heart of the choreography.

This new artwork has its source in all the short interactive modules conceived and realized by Jean-Jacques Birge and Nicolas Clauss on the website