Gameboy Subversion

In February of 2003, I completed an installation of variable dimensions for Gameboy Advance. The piece, Super Ichthyologist Advance, treats the Gameboy device as a repository for Koi. The Koi appear to be trapped within the Gameboy(s) which function as a virtual tank. Each Koi has its own game-cartridge, so that viewers can collect them all. The inspiration for trapping the Koi this way comes from the fanatic "gotta catch them all!" mantra which fuels the collection of Pokemon. This work uses the cartridge as a multiple, addressing the Gameboy as a surrogate container for electronic books. Documentation of the 2003 installation, "Super Ichthyologist Advance" is now online at:

-paul catanese
[email protected]


, paul catanese

In February of 2003, I completed an installation project for Gameboy Advance. The piece, "Super Ichthyologist Advance", was not created as a game, but as a repository for show-quality koi. The koi appear to be trapped within the Gameboy devices which function as a virtual tank. Each koi has its own cartridge, so that viewers can collect them all.

Documentation of "Super Ichthyologist Advance" can be found online at the following address:

-paul catanese
[email protected]