"The Great East Japan Earthquake Archive"

We created mash-up contents for visualizing the damage situation of the East Japan Earthquake using Google Earth.



The East Japan Earthquake Archive (3D Photo-overlays of The East Japan Earthquake)” is a mash-up content to understand the real state of affairs of the Japan Earthquake that cannot be understood by inspecting individual photographs. Users can view over 100 photographs from New York Times and others using google earth, and compare sceneries before / after the earthquake. All photographs are overlapped with three-dimensional geographical features, so the damage situation of the Sendai airport and the Fukushima nuclear power plant and others can be understood three-dimensionally. And also, Google's imagery update of Japan is included, users can switch latest and past satellite image by radio-buttons. We will add more photographs as much as possible.


360 degrees panorama images taken at stricken area can be browsed by double-clicking orange icons. Users can look around by mouse-drug and zoom-in out with a mouse wheel. And more, seamless viewpoint movement is possible by double-clicking the icon within 360 degrees panorama. (All panorama images taken by Akira Ninomiya and Taichi Furuhashi )


Disaster victims' testimonies recorded by binaural recording are mapped on Google Earth. Movies can be browsed in balloons by clicking face icons. By listening by headphone, the sound environment of a spot is reproduced in three dimension. (Interview & Recording: Shiori Sasaki (Senhiko Nakata Laboratory, Graduate school of Miyagi University)