Intellectualism, a kind of web-based at-journal, reporting about art and culture since 2007, has a new kind of media now, the community on - We've invented this new site - usable in german or english - to discuss - as such, merely to really discuss art-as-culture (the boys' sense) or culture-as-art (the beuys' sense) - and especially subjects and themes we like without reason. One questions offered in a blog about avant-garde films a.s.o. is why such a lot of avant-garde and artsy experimental films and videos are produced or at least *called* (in exhibitions, projects, competitions), although nearly nobody seems (still) to be able to explicate a concept of avant-garde. Thus, I'm interested in its WHAT'S IT, and WHAT'S UP with it…. Question is given in german in the new site's blog: and can be discussed in the newĀ  To give some flesh to the party we've already uploaded some examples, at least two of it (the black&white ones) can perhaps have good chance to go along as art-work: See Videos here ( Would be interesting to get a comment, whether the "coloured-catholicism" one gets its aim, might be too 'fleshy'…..See you UR (ARTS-On.) [Beside: Don't miss to look for our virtual party at 1st of June, 10 p.m. - if, on this site: [url=]VIRTUALPARTYSPACE[/url]