how to class media art.

Hello, I'm sure that's a very basic topic for this forum, but I'm a student and I'm starting to study about media art. I'm managing to know how to class all diferents works, and what criterias do we use.

Actually I don't know where to beging, I know that there is nothing fix and the fileds have not limits. But, if anyone would give me some keys or schemes I'll stongly apreciate it.

Apologies about my english :)


, Lara Salinas

Hi Carolina,

I don't know if this question is so basic. In fact, I'm studying media art too, and I'm trying to establish some criterion to understand and to explain media art (Web 2.0, to be precise).
I would love talk with you about this topic, (in Spanish?), and maybe I could recommend to you some artworks, books or thesis.

[email protected]