babylon john

John McArdle "bABYLon-joHN" I heckle fundie religionists, to them I,m considered a Heretic a rebel a blasphemer an unbeliever and infidel. I,m simply a modern day consumer based petro-chemical age "loser"( living in relative poverty) musician / artist / visionary. Just like Some of the rest of us, YES! you are included if you live on an income of less than 12K a year. IF your reading this on a computer you are participating. We all are, I,m very aware of this,We have this in common. What to do with our time on this planet in our lives. What would you like to do? I cannot accomplish most things in music or art as It has not produced an income. I've spent alof of my own time and money on everything I,ve done so far. No commision No sponsor. Anyone with money interested in supporting my insanity?(what I call it now) persistence persistence persistence ART MUSIC ART MUSIC ART MUSIC ( my mantra) and YOURS? peace health wisdom humor and good fortune to the kind and deserved. PLEASE help me………I,m withering at the vine. BABYLON john John McArdle.


, John McArdle

yeah I know I spelt 'alot wrong I spelled it alof whoop-dee-"F"n DOO SUE me….

, John McArdle

Comment by John McArdle
January 7, 2010 10:00 am
FUNDIES SUCK BiG TiME!……..(laughing) god if he exists is one hell of a mean neglectfull S.O.B. in my opinion.
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PLEASE I DaRE you ,……reply….lol

, John McArdle

Cults? Are all religions basically cults? I would think so to some degree. If they come off with a "if you do not follow our agenda and superstitious supernatural belief in this or that diety you are a lost soul or some such idea it,s a cult!