

, Alexandre Galera Vernet

solo una nota: forse non sara significativo, ma a me la posta gmail ha sempre funzionato. GMail è gratuito, e questo chiude a mio avviso ogni polemica. Perchè non si può pretendere continuità di servizio per qualcosa che non si paga! Se l’utilizzo di GMail è a fini professionali, beh… si tratta di una scelta volta al contenimento dei costi ed occorre essere consapevoli dei rischi. Se a farlo sono aziende, ogni commento è superfluo. Ben diverso è il caso dei servizi a pagamento. Il recente caso di Tiscali, passato quasi completamente sotto silenzio, è a mio avviso gravissimo. Otto ore di blackout TOTALE non è tollerabile. Niente voip, web, domini sul loro host, posta. Nulla di operativo perchè TUTTO il sistema era down. Spiegazione? Un problema elettrico, pare. Ma fosse veramente così, ciò implica una grave carenza nel piano di Disaster Recovery e nel funzionamento dei gruppi elettrogeni. Sempre che l’uo o gli altri esistano. Andrebbe anche notato che sotto il logo GMail c’è , da sempre, una evidente scritta che dice “BETA”. Che sia una mera furbata di Google per non assumersi impegni di affidabilità del servizio, può essere: resta il fatto che se un’azienda o un professionista affidano aspetti cruciali del proprio business ad un servizio esterno dichiaratamente sperimentale, ne concludo che amano (o perlomeno ne accettano) il rischio… Ore 20.20 circa, in questo momento il servizio non funziona ANCORA, come oggi pomeriggio! È da circa mezz’ora che provo ad entrare ma niente, mi dà errore…..spero che si risolva presto il problema, entro stanotte massimo entro domani! Immagino quanti lavorano con GMAIL, io per esempio aspetto 2 risposte importanti proprio su GMAIL, azzzzz nn ci volevano questi problemi!!!!!!!!! Gmail -> Gfail: L’ultima volta che andai a fare il passaporto, per giustificare il ritardo nella consegna, in questura dissero che “il collegamento con il cervellone del ministero funzionava a singhiozzo, un giorno sì e un giorno no”. Deduco che non usino google documents all’efficentissimo ministero dell’interno, se no starebbero fermi solo 2 ore all’anno… In ogni caso potete sempre deliziarvi con quel che pensa Richard Stallman di tutta la faccenda del “cloud computing”. Non credo sia corretto dire “Google non fornisce mai informazioni precise sulle questioni che lo/la riguardano”: la controprova diretta sta nel fatto che quando il mese scorso ci fu il problema sulla ricerca che indicava tutti i siti come potenzialmente pericolosi, Google indico’ chiaramente la causa in un “/” finito in un file di configurazione. Mi sembra abbastanza esplicita, come definizione della causa di un problema. Il fatto e’ che non e’ sempre cosi’ semplice, direi, individuare cause di un disservizio. Ci sono tutta una serie di cause possibili al disservizio: procedure di manutenzione straordinaria non programmata, procedure programmate per il quale non si prevedevano difficoltà poi sorte al momento, guasti hardware, problemi di connetività e chi più ne ha più ne metta (tra cui anche il sabotaggio). Ma il punto è un altro, secondo me… perchè mai un’azienda si affidi ad un servizio di posta gratuito per il proprio business! Immagino che non sia poi così importante per queste aziende la posta elettronica, allora… Bisogna sempre tener presente che la differenza tra il mondo consumer e quelli di classe professional (ci sono varie sotto-categorie, un po’ come piccole, medie e grandi aziende) ormai spesso sta nelle garanzie di servizio offerte (i cosiddetti SLA). Sono utente Gmail da diversi anni ed è oramai l’unico account di posta che uso. Quello che è successo dimostra che è difficile che qualcosa nel mondo digitale come nel mondo reale funzioni sempre alla perfezione. Purtroppo in questo caso non ci posssiamo lamentare poichè Gmail è un gran servizio ma anche gratuito ( se vogliamo dirla tutta risulta ancora in beta) Personalmente preferisco un malfunzionamento (raro) gratis di cui non mi posso lamentare che uno a pagamento con tutti i diritti per farlo. Ma il servizio bloccato (chiedo perché io non lo uso) è totalmente gratuito? Perché mi sembra una variabile indispensabile da prendere in considerazione prima di sentire le proteste degli utenti. Non una giustificazione, ma una variabile da prendere in considerazione. Hm, "stundenlang" und "zwei Stunden" lang ist subjektiv gesehen ein Unterschied. Aber trotzdem auffällig, welches globale Feedback ein solcher Ausfall mittlerweile erzeugt..In zwei stunden kann man heute alles gewinnen oder verlieren, also niemals gmail :) Man sollte hierbei nicht außer Acht lassen, das die Abfrage der Mails via imap immer noch möglich war. Nur das Webfrontend stand nicht zur Verfügung. So gesehen, kann man hier nicht von einem Komplettausfall sprechen, höchstens von einem Teilausfall. Wie war das doch früher so schön. Handgeschriebene Briefe kamen nach einer Woche, war man nicht zuhause konnte man telefonisch nicht erreicht werden und wenn es dringend war gab es das Telegramm. Und heute wird man nach kurzem Ausfall gleich als übler Teufel an die Wand genagelt. Mal sehen, wie unsere Enkel sich amüsieren. Aber normal ist auch heute schon keiner mehr. Es gibt nichts besseres als Googlemail. Bester Spamfilter, praktisch unbegrenzter Speicherplatz, geniale Suche, Labels, Filter, …. weiter Seite Also von bei mir ist die Zeit von 1100 bis 1500 keine 2 Stunden sondern lockere 4… Naja whatever jetzt gehts ja wieder… Und wer bei gmail nen Client benutzt hat nen Schaden, bei mir liegen knapp 3 Millionen Emails im Konto - da kein client das gmail labeling system unterstüzt ein glatter technischer selbstmord Ich Benutze seit 9 Jahren gmail und im Vergleich zu allen anderen kostenlosen mail Betreibern war es nur eine kleine Störung und nicht ein total Ausfall. pop und imap war gar kein Problem. ich kann nicht verstehen warum sich Leute über etwas beklagen, was nichts kostet und seit etlichen Jahren zu 98\% online ist.3 Millionen emails in der Inbox? WOW!! Du musst sehr viele Freunde und Bekannte haben… Das Geschäftskunden eine Software nutzen, die im Beta-Status ist, ist schon beachtenswert – oder einfach nur dämlich. Da Googlemail kostenlos ist, sollte man sich mal überlegen über was man sich eigentlich beschwert. Man kann froh sein, dass man den Dienst mit soviel Speicherplatz ohne einen Cent benutzen darf. Jeder der sich hier aufregt und dann auch noch seine Meinung darüber kund tut, ist in meinen Augen einfach nur frech. Ich gebe euch zu Bedenken, dass Google dafür jede Menge Geld ausgiebt, und einen 2 Stunden-Ausfall Google wesentlich mehr kostet als das jemals bei euch der Fall sein wird. Also einfach mal still sein und sich darüber freuen das Googlemail immer noch kostenlos ist. Und an Goolge: Ihr macht einen super Job, weiter so. weiter zurück Seite Euch ist aber schon klar, das auch ihr für dieNutzung von google Diensten bezahlt? Jede Info über eure Person, und sei es die Klassifizierung der Emails nach Stichwörtern, lässt Schlüsse über die Person zu. Und Nutzungszeiten, Häufigkeit und Nutzungsverhalten komplettieren das Bild über jeden einzelnen Nutzer. Nichts ist in der heutigen Zeit so wertvoll wie belastbare Informationen - je mehr Millionen Nutzer desto besser. Insbesondere bei etwas persönlichem wie eine Email bevorzuge ich einen eigenen, bezahlten Dienst, auf den Niemand außer mir (und der Admin) Zugriff hat …. …"schön" dass es auch den "Grossen" passiert. aber 99,9\% Erreichbarkeit…. da fehlt halt ein knapper halber Tag… und- was kann man sagen?- Danke MS?, Danke Linux? Hmm… @rainer schlawginski GoogleMail exisitert erst seit 2004, wie kannst du es bitte seit 9 Jahren nutzen???! achja, welcher Vollarmleuchter meldet sich bitte bei irgendwelchen Diensten im Internet (z.B. Freemailern) mit seinem richtigen Namen und Adresse an? Die koennen gerne ein Profil ueber mich erstellen, solange niemand das mir zuordnen kann… Merke: Anonymitaet im Netz ist die "ultima ratio regum" PS: Mein richtiger Name ist gar nicht StellaVella bei mir war nichts vom ausfall zu merken. weder online noch über pop3!!! Google ist der bester Mailanbieter den ich kenne - und ich kenne ne ganze menge… Gmail erweitern möchte, sollte sich Gears mit dem Offlinereader installieren - vielleicht war das auch ein Test von google aus die erweiterung zu testen. ;-) weiter zurück "Insbesondere bei etwas persönlichem wie eine Email bevorzuge ich einen eigenen, bezahlten Dienst, auf den Niemand außer mir (und der Admin) Zugriff hat." @funkerberg: das denkst anscheinend nicht nur du! jeder der einen bezahlente emaildienst anbietet muß den behördenzugang ermöglichen! steht so im gesetz. viel spaß beim bezahlen und verarschen lassen. ;-) Je ne suis pas d'accord avec Plop : Tout d'abord, le sérieux est très ennuyeux, et ensuite, Gmail en panne ne prouve-t-il pas, qu'à trop s'en mêler, provoque en effet la panique ? Depuis le temps que j'évite gmail - flicage et filtrage des mails, maintenant panne mondiale - je ne suis pas prêt d'ouvrir un compte chez eux… Bah, c'est vrai que ça a été gênant quelques heures durant. Mais bon, un message signalant effectivement le problème ayant été posté sur le site d'aide de Gmail, je n'ai pas été plus "paniqué" que cela, et ai pris mon mal en patience. Tout cela nous rappelle surtout qu'il faut diversifier les médias de communication et ne donner d'exclusivité à aucun, puisque les problèmes peuvent arriver. Et puis c'est tout, hein.Ne soyez pas ridicule. Panique ? Enfin quoi vous racontez n'importe quoi pour faire un titre. Il serait bon que le Monde reste sérieux, ou plutôt qu'il le redevienne. Comme je rêverais d'une panne générale de tous les satellites et d'Internet, en même temps (et qui s'éterniserait) ! Le monde entier soudain obligé de changer son mode de vie… Le bonheur à nouveau dans le pré et enfin la possibilité d'une île ? (de la Guadeloupe, bien sûr). symptôme de sarkozite aigüe ! Du nom d'un étrange individu qui se rengorge de didactisme prétentieux. "Moi, je vous dis que c'est sans importance", comme les grèves et manifestations récentes. Peut-être le journaliste aurait-il dû préciser pour les lecteurs myopes, qu'il s'agit d'un phénomène qui sera amené mathématiquement à se reproduire du simple fait que plus l'informatique globale s'étend et plus elle sera fragile. Quant au "j'avais peur…" on ne sait plus ce que c'est, la peur… la gestion des noms de domaines (.com,.eu,.fr…) est confiée à une entreprise privée de droit US et non à l'ONU. 95\% des ordinateurs fonctionnent sous Windows dont une part significative reliée en permanance à Microsoft via la mise à jour automatique. L'essentiel des requêtes sur la toile se fait via Google etc…Plutôt qu'un second porte avion nucléaire ou un énième sous-marin, une vrai politique d'indépendance nationale ou UE ne doit elle pas passer par le développement d'alternatives? J'avais peur de trouver un tel article… Je trouve exagere de donne rune telle importance a ce type d'incident sans importance. D'ou vient ce besoin de toujours reagir dans l'exces? 2 heures sans gmail, non mais franchement! Ce n'est pas comme si Internet s'etait tout entier mis en greve! :) encore que meme dans ce cas il n'y aurait pas lieu de paniquer… l'Homme est mouton entièrement dépendant de ses joujous. C'est la panique ? Faudrait pas exagérer ! Eh ben ! il y en a qui paniquent pour pas grand-chose !! Lorsqu'ils partent en vacances, ils emmènent leur PC avec eux ? Deux heures sans consulter son courrier, c'est évidemment la fin du monde, Armageddon !! Voilà deux raisons pour laquelle, mon université (respectivement mon laboratoire) doit conserver la gestion du courrier électronique : - confidentialité - éviter la propagation des pannes à l'échelle mondiale. Le système de boîte Gmail est loin d'être majoritaire. Non nouvelle :) Bonjour, pas de soucis pour moi !!! Juste une demande de confirmation. Il faut rentrer un mot, après le password, affiché à l'écran. Je suis sur gmail depuis ce matin. il y a des professionnels qui utilisent ce service ? changez le responsable technique ! The pop3 service was working. Seems the free service was down and so what if it is down once in a while - it is FREE. Can't believe many companies worth their salt are pinning their email on the free service if it business critical… "…the micro-blogging service Twitter hosted thousands of tweets discussing the outage - with some angry users even launching a poll asking whether the shutdown had ruined their day…" No email for a few hours? Ruined their day? Come on guys, get a life and relax… Surely people must know by now that all technology sometimes fails until the boffin's get it working again. And as a gmail user, so what, i had to wait 2 hours to retrieve an e-mail, not exactly a matter of life or death. Gmail Fail Cartoon sonia, me puedes aclarar para que quiere tus datos personales una empresa como Google… Vamos si fueras de la casa real lo entiendo, pero no es el caso, creo yo…!!! Es un servicio, gratuito y sí nos tragamos la publicidad, pero ya sería el colmo que además de gratuito la gente proteste por la publicidad. Si quieres publicidad prueba con Ameican On-Line (AOL), o Yahoo E. Aleluya, DIOS Existe, al fin una persona diciendo lo que ya se sabe… Lynux y sus cortafuegos no sirven. Es gratuito pero a cambio te chupas la publicidad y eso quiere decir que das algo a cambio, a parte de tus datos personales (que es muuuchoo mas valioso que pagar) jeje La culpa es de Linux y sus cortafuegos IP, han colapsado el sistema 2.0 ocupando parte del espectro de intervención dedicado a transferencia de archivos, no es la primera vez que lo hacen.Pues acabo de entrar en Gmail, y no he tenido problemas… Me acabo de enterar de que hubiera un parón…La culpa es de ZP no, todavia NO funciona gmail….. "En esta ocasion no han salido los maqueros y los linuxeros mofandose de los peceros…" va a ser pq esto no es un tema de sistema operativo sino un servicio web? de que se van a mofar? que a ellos no les funciona tampoco?….. País…hablar por hablar. En esta ocasion no han salido los maqueros y los linuxeros mofandose de los peceros…Joe, Se quejan como que pagaran algo por el servicio… ehhh Es gratuito!!! Vaya cara que tiene la gente. Servicio gratuito, google da la cara, los ingenieros daran explicaciones, seguramente habrá algún despido por el problema y ustedes se quejan cuando no han pagado un duro, perdón pero que cara más dura tienen. hace años correos igual te perdía las cartas durante semanas y nadie se moría…que rápido nos acostumbramos a la buena vida. Seguro que los pobres africanos qu no tienen ni electricidad ni han notado el corte….Compro ordenador que funcione Gmail, no importa precio, maxima discreción, muy urgente. jajajajaja quina dependència… molta raó cargol. A mi no me funciona aún el gmail, ni tampoco el facebook no, no funciona, al menos yo no consigo ni cargar la pagina de googleeeee Por favor! Ni que se acabara el mundo por tres horitas sin e-mail… Ridículo. NOOOO, EL INTENÉ!!!!! Este ha sido el peor día de mi vida. Menos mal, que al final, como se fue, vino. Un dia petarà internet, un dia deixaran de funcionar els telefons mobils, hi haurà una caiguda de la xarxa elèctrica, tancaran l'aixeta del petroli…i morirem com formigues aplastades. funciona perfectament, jo m'hi acabo de conectar Ya funciona Ja funciona! SOS, aqui en el sotano ase muxa caló, maxo compra' ventiladoooore, tol dia dandole al streap poker, axo que caló.Hey! From Massachussets, mi ver gmail funsionar, tu poner en navegador, esperar 3 segundos, volver a llamar i aparecer correo, fasil. Hey! Pues yo acabo de entrar ahora mismo. Ara, a mi, ja em funciona Merci per la precisió, Marc; no havia tingut en compte aquest detall. Gràcies. ¿Se sabe cuado empezará a funcionar de nuevo? En resposta a Xavi: Perdona pero el accés general gratuït als end-users pot ser beta, però no l'accés corporatiu que té la meva empresa (com moltes altres) als dominis gmail de google. Salutacions.Propongo enviar a Margdalena Álvarez, ahora que la tenemos de tourné por las rusisas, a que lo arregle… ¡Tiembla Google! No descartemos como sospechoseo a B. Gates, que le tiene un cariño a Google… A veure si conecten el cable aviat ¡Que vulnerables que somos! Menos mal que nadie tiene solamente una cuenta!! No passaria res. És una versió beta (des de fa no sé quants anys), i no té usuaris sinó betatesters ("provadors"). Google serà gratuït, però no tonto.¿Qué pasaría si no se reestablece? "Un 24. 02. 2009, 19:13". Què tenen a veure el tocino i la velocitat? doncs res. Que té a veure que google tingui un problema tècnic amb que sigui INFINITAMENT millor que hotmail (basant-nos en criteris tècnics i de prestacions de correu)? doncs tampoc res. Apa, madura. No deieu que el Gmail li donava mil voltes al Hotmail? Doncs ja ho teniu. David, segur que si fos caspalà funcionaria millor. No només per Endesa. haurien de compensar-nos, disculpes apart, per no modernitzar les infraestructures del Principat des de 1714, any amunt, any avall. Un servei americà gratuït deixa de funcionar dues hores i demanen disculpes. Un servei caspanyol (ENDESA) deixa de funcionar (el juliol del 2007) durant 3 dies, per dir-ne la mitjana, i encara estem esperant les compensacions. Descobriu-ne els tres motius per a deixar de ser caspanyols. Torna a no funcionar. . . Ja funciona! This is why you should download Google Gears… This brings up other issues such as the backup of data (documents, spreadsheets, etc.) that are online at Google Apps. Nothing like the server being down but you have a copy of a document on your pc to work with… I like gmail, but I’d be loathe to put my business on it alone, likewise apps. I’d go to openoffice first. Hello All: I am on the Microsoft Office and O/S at my “day job” all day, and manage my production company entirely using gmail, Google calendar, and Google docs. I am literally doing a side-by-side comparison every day. If gmail were to go down for an hour EVERY day it would still be approximate to the amount of time I lose waiting for Outlook to simply switch window pains, show me a calendar, etc. And just to be clear, I have a new, fast, well-stocked machine. Neither system is perfect, but Google seems to forgo adding hundreds of useless “features” in the name of creating stuff that actually WORKS. I far prefer their philosophy. I have to say - Google uptime is as good as, if not better, than 100\% of the places I’ve worked at. I hope people don’t turn this into a “Gmail failed, panic attack!!!” But I guess they well, makes good copy and gives advertisers more eyeballs. Err, anyway. Just remember: technology is your friend. Interesting that all the named alternatives were other things to do on the computer. Not… go out with your employees for a cup of coffee and to talk issues over! I noticed the outage this morning at 5:50a EST. I had been up for over 2 hours and been on the computer without any sense that Gmail and Google’s mail servers were not working. Once I noticed the issue it was only a matter of few minutes before Google’s free services were working again. Google needs to make Google Docs available offline just like they’re doing with Gmail now. People need to use the offline versions and do updates periodically or whatever to avoid the loss of productivity for 4 hours. I’m not aware of any paid Gmail stuff, but, as far as I am aware, Gmail is still “beta.” It’s right under the logo… :) Pretty good for a beta if you ask me. A problem “under your own roof” is not necessarily easier to deal with, if your IT department isn’t the most responsive. I’ve experienced internal e-mail failures for longer than 4 hours. The solution I think is redundancy, so if gMail, the Blackberry server, etc go down you have at least a second option. Was it out everywhere? I am in Montevideo, Uruguay and was working and using gmail at 7:30am this morning (9:30am in London). The singluar of “twitter” is “twit,” right? Funny if you read to the end of this “blog posting” here’s what you see: “Gmail itself worked fine if you used it on an iPhone or with software like Microsoft Outlook.” so… if you use an email client, then gmail was working? In which case it wasn’t “down”? What is this story really saying? I didn’t realise how dependent I have become on gmail till I got blocked out this afternoon in Calcutta. We experienced an unusual boost in traffic (relative to other Tuesdays at the same time) in the hours AFTER gmail came back. Could it be that people turned off their computers, took a few hours off and then came back in force? If so, maybe in the name of “getting a life” they should do this more often. Saul, Just a note: “The outage also affected users of Google Apps, the service that lets people write and share word-processing and spreadsheet documents online.” You’re describing there Google Docs. Google Apps is Google’s package deal for companies, which is Gmail for one’s domain, documents, calendar, etc.. True ‘Cloud Computing’ would eventually be fail-safe because of the ‘Web’ aspect, right? That is, a system where there are so many alternative paths and to multiple servers that it makes ‘redundant systems’ seem risky. IF the true model of Cloud Computing were reality, only a Total System crash would prevent work, communications, etc. The Cloud is designed to survive partial destruction and thousands of paths lead to/from each and every ‘point’ - this would have meant continuous computing and communications for: New York during 9/11; New Orleans during Katrina; etc. GMail system would exist at so many locations it would be statistically impossible for it to fail… Did I get it wrong or what am I missing? It’s not just psychology or uptime. It’s scope. Suppose that the circuit breaker in your condo was also used by all of the other condos in the city, by doctors, firemen, plumbers, lawyers, limo drivers, bankers, the place where you work. For most risk experts (except maybe the ones employed by financial services firms), “single point of failure” - even free single point of failure - is not considered a good thing. Cox email breaks for hours every few weeks. It´s plain silly to make yourself and your enterprise dependend on some data gathering online service like google or .mac. Don´t put your work up into the cloud. You will regret it! Noone knows if your data doesn´t get scanned. Why are people so stupid when they have all the computing power they need under their desk? Or you can buy servers at a dedicated computing center. But if you want it cheap and uncontrollable… Just remember: Paper always boots. All systems go down from time to time, even Google. While they need to be responsible and respond to issues like this ASAP (and they do), it’s hardly fail to fault them for it. It’s not as if they made the system crash on purpose. That said, poster #10, to allow Gmail to still hide behind the “Beta” label is disingenuous of Google. Gmail is now in version 2 (”new Gmail”) and offers many advanced features including true beta features coming out of their labs. The company makes a ton of money off the sale of ads based on the data they mine out of all our emails and even sells the Apps platform to businesses. Millions of people worldwide depend on gmail for business and personal communication. It is not in Beta and it is time for Google to stop disavowing responsibility for our data and dependence on a full-fledged product by slapping a beta label on it. see my post and the resulting comments I got from Googlers who couldn’t believe I would dare impugn the mighty Google the last time Gmail crashed and left many of us without access: Goo big to fail? I think so. Just wait until GOOG begins to flex its political muscle. There will be no competitors, and there will be only Google, and all you folks who get all misty-eyed about their technology…you will have been mislead. Funny, I didn’t have any problem with my email, nor did millions of other folks who use any one of the dozens (hundreds?) of non-google email providers. You may like g-mail’s UI, or some of its features, but if you are that dependent on email, perhaps you should keep a secondary account on a different system just in case. This is the first problem I have encountered while using google gmail. I have the gmail on my blackberry it has been very consistent compared to hotmail or aol. Googles simplicity has created a very reliable service. It think it is hard to just blame it on google when blackberry server also goes down. internet servers for emails have often been shut down for much longer than four hours. Luckily I am a student, and this is not a vital problem but I would like to know what happened???? You pay for what you get. The Google model has turned us into a world of cheap freeloaders who become indignant when asked to pay for things yet whine when there’s an outage in a service for which we haven’t paid a cent. We’re all hooked Google’s heroin and that cannot be good. This post is confused and confusing. There was an outage of the GMail web service, not of GMail itself. Anyone (millions) who was mirroring their GMail account to their local system with a local mail client ( like Thunderbird) probably never noticed that anything was amiss. Also, let’s be honest about it: GMail on its worst days is light years ahead of lookOut or the ever destructive Lotus Notes. Was the downtime exactly or about 4 hours? If exactly, sounds like they were attacked with a warning and will be asked to pay big to not be attacked again. Gmail is still beta, and has been since its inception. You can’t really fault them for having some rare downtime with a product that is FREE, widely available, and much more reliable than my work email at what is a very computer-savvy university. I’ve been using Gmail since the beginning, and I really do love its ease of use, as well as how it interfaces with their other products. Bottom line, unless you are paying for it, chill out. Every server crashes, and since they didn’t lose any of the mail, there is no major problem. people shouldn’t make such a big deal about this. stuff happens, 4 hours w/o gmail. sometimes the power goes out, or the water company shuts the water off by accident for a few hours. or my cable tv stops working for 5 hours b/c of a glitch. gmail is incredibly reliable relative to other comparable utilities. stop whining!I’ve noticed that both Gmail and Google itself going on the blink regularly for the past few weeks at least, roughly between 10am - noontime EST. Something seems to be going on. It could be that this is the time when the “save everyone’s information from the past 24 hours” button is pushed. And Google won’t connect now, and it’s 2:45pm. And so … people were without email for four hours and the world didn’t end? Amazing. Maybe they got some work done. Which responsible owner of a privatly owned company would even consider leaving the fate of the company with all it’s essential data in the hands of a company which can be taken over any time by some other company you just might not like that much ( e.g. because it’s located in China ) ? Most companies today depend totally on their IT. Actually many companies will go belly-up after a 1 week total black-out. The internet will be a prime target for terrorists and even more so criminals in the future. Just imagine a major DOS attack against the Google servers - and the “Google-Apps” users are cut off. The others will just pull the Internet-Plug and keep on working. Cloud computing on the web is a myth. If some fisherman in the Atlantic Ocean decides to drop his anchor in the wrong place the whole web just limps along and millions of Google-Apps users sit just twiddling their thumbs. If you look at really reliable, secure systems today you will find that none relies on external IT networks in the first place. Guess why … The IT guys obviously need to find out the hard way what all the other suppliers of essential services like water, telephone, electricity, gas etc. know for ages. Is your world so small that you are basically crippled if you are unable to access your email for four hours? Damn, that’s unbelievably pathetic. I would never! Ever! Depend on “Cloud” computing. Whom has access to your data? I bet thousands of Google employees have “admin” access to the mail servers, not to mention the file servers. What about “chain of custody” policy at these “Cloud” services. When does the data get backed up? What media is it backed up on? Where do the backup tapes get stored? How do they get there? Don’t know? They won’t tell. DON’T use them! Storage media is cheap! Wake up and take responsibility for your own data! The gmail outage isn’t a good quantitative demonstration of the risks of the utopian “cloud computing” paradigm, but it is a wonderful demonstration of the lack of control endusers (especially businesses) have over their own data in the “cloud”. I find it hard to believe that Google would be held accountable for a business’ monetary losses as a result of an Apps or Gmail downtime as a more traditional out- or in-sourced tech services provider would be. I cannot reconcile this fact with the much-touted “trend” that sane business managers are out there choosing unaccountable providers for their IT services. Poor twikkers were without gmail for a spell. “How ever did I manage? I do declare.” Seriously though, it seems the common apology I’m hearing is that incompetence is a fact of life. So let me get this straight. You admit that cloud and Gmail can cost your company or social life dearly in lost productivity, but hey, it’s still no Microsoft or Office! I can live with that. At least by this blundering defense, twekkers have finally put away their silly pretensions that Google and anything not-MS (like Apple) are of far superior quality and have revealed they are just in it to make some kind of fashion statement. I actually noticed the Gmail outage this morning, as we are Gmail users. I first tried to get to my mail around 5:50 a.m. EST and gave up around 7:05 a.m. EST. When I got to the office at 8 a.m., it was working. I thought my calendar was working the whole time though. The massive scale of Gmail (e-mail cloud service) works because at that level Google can do the same thing at a huge cost reduction compared to managing it internally. This scale is what makes the cloud a real competitor for serving your needs. Of course, for cloud providers, this is where the knife cuts both ways. The massive scale supports a large number of organizations, however, when something goes wrong — many feel the effects. I think assuming that all mistakes and unpredicted failures can be isolated from impacting users at any time is unrealistic - cloud or not - stuff happens. Google has an SLA for paying users of 99.9\% as a monthly average. Assuming the reports about today’s outage of 2.5 hrs are true (4:30a - 7:30est) that would put Feb uptime at ~ 99.6\%. This is a breach of Google’s SLA and the penalty is 3 days of service credit. You do need to report the outage within 30-days. Just my 2-cents. Google is too big to fail. Let’s nationalize it. Agreed-we’re still bullish on cloud computing. Four whole hours without email???? Didn’t anyone see Four Horsemen riding down Fleet Street? and the world kept turning. OMG!! A few hours without e-mail! What will we EVER do! Jeez! If you are a company and rely on web based mail why would you not have a backup web based system? And personal users… how plugged in do you have to be! If you think this was bad…just imagine what would happen with the electromagnetic pulse from a nuclear explosion above the atmosphere, wiping out all electronics for hundreds of miles. Gmail is not free. We pay for it with our information and data which they mine and use to sell advertisements targeted at us. Your information is currency and you are selling it for email access. So am I. As such, they should be held responsible for downtime. Yes, mistakes happen. I do not blame them for that, but want them to take responsibility by admitting that they have a full and complete product that they sell and people buy. This is why I will always hav my own mail server and only use Gmail as a secondary account. Incidents like this one or the what happened to Magnolia not long ago also will never let me jump on cloud computing with full source. I want my data, my emails on my own hard drive or at least on my own server. Call me a guy living in the past but all this data out in the nowhere doesn’t let me sleep well. GMAIL is JUNK… No support for folders, no support for rules/alerts, no support for sorting, NOTHING. It’s one big hyped up fit-for-nothing. People blindly eat what Google produces - even if it is shit - and proudly proclaim it’s tasty. It’s about time their stomachs have had enough and start throwing up. Bueno, a mi nunca me ha fallado el servicio de gmail, espero que las talentosas personas que están a cargo lo puedan arreglar. realmente dan muy buen servicio, y como todo se tiene que ir mejorando y no permitir esto que puede seguir sucediondo. Esto por personas inoportunas y envidiosas como los jacker o como se diga. Google buena suerte y gracias por todo. Bye. Tu y tu vecino sois unos frikis de puta madre Pues no se pero a mi siempre me sale un aviso de fallas técnicas y no se porlque pero eso es muy aburrido. Por cierto, señores de NTT, El Periodico Informatica, o quien quiera que haya escrito este churro de sistema de comentarios: a ver si lo arreglais para que permita caracteres muy normales en el idioma español como el porcentaje, el punto y coma, etc. Que hay rutinas de escapado muy majas por ahi, libres y gratuitas. Ademas, la pagina de "ERROR: NO PUEDES METER LOS CARACTERES BLA BLA BLA" ni siquiera te permite volver atras a corregir. ¡AUTOGESTION! Nada como el cutrerio autogestionado para ir sobre seguro. Yo tengo en el garaje de mi casa un Pentium-Pro (si señores, Pro, los mas jovencitos que busquen en la wikipedia) como servidor de correo de mi propio dominio, y estas cosas no me pasan. Y cuando me pasan, me lo arreglo yo solito. ¡Ah! Y antes de que me salga alguno con "que pasa si te falla la ADSL": tengo un "acuerdo de respaldo mutuo" con el vecino, que esta con otro operador, de manera que si falla la ADSL de uno, esta autorizado a pillar la conexion del otro a traves de wifi. Sin llegar a esos extremos, la proxima vez que os cambieis de PC plantearos convertirlo en un servidor de correo metido en cualquier trastero. Por las mil quinientas pelas al año por las que sale un dominio, te montas todo a tu manera cien por cien. Y configurar el chiringuito es menos dificil de lo que parece. Carai, i jo sense enterarme'n, goita ….. a mi no me ha dado ningún tipo de problema Para 18 Víctor 24/2/2009 15:18 Alguna vez quando Hotmail ha estado varias horas caído también ha salido en los periódicos. Lo relevante de esta notícia es que gmail no suele caerse nunca, y menos durante varias horas. También lo hace relevante la cantidad de usuarios que gmail tiene. Jo he pogut treballar tot el matí sense cap tipus de roblemes. porque al payaso del escuadronpikmin le continuan dejando poner sus comentarios para hacerse publicidad??, señores de el periodico eliminarlo Me pregunto que clase de noticia es ésta, ¿y cuando Hotmail ha estado varios días sin funcionar? A mi ya me funciona doncs a mi no em funciona Se me ha estropeado la lavadora. He llamado al tecnico. Os mantendré informados. hem estat tots a la feina sense gmail!! QUIN AVORRIMENT!!!!! Ja va bé. Han de treure aquesta notícia. Ahora mismo, a las 14:15h, Gmail sigue informando de problemas en sus servidores. Un poco de calma con los redactores para que retiren la noticia. Ademas, teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de usuarios que los servicios de email tiene, me parece una noticia interesante para los lectores de la edición digital de El Periódico. a Carlos: si Hotmail se "cae" tampoco te va a servir de mucho cambiarte, a no ser que automáticamente te reenvies los correos de una cuenta a otra. a Sr Google, Outlook, como Mail, Thunderbird o Gmail Offline guardan guardan tus mensajes, pero si el servidor no funciona no podrán descargar los nuevos mensajes. Sólo podrás clamar "viva Outlook" si necesitas revisar un mensaje anterior a la última sincronización. A mi no em funciona! Ya tengo vida. Clica sobre mi nombre. YA FUNCIONA!!! Quina parida de notícia, no? a mi em va perfectament. Ui! se m'ha espatllat el pc, vaig a escriure un article… periodisme de pandereta! viva el Outlook! Ahora dirá el PP que ha sido Garzón, o tal vez Bermejo y sus cacerías, que en un alarde de mala puntería, hizo añicos una conexión de internet que en lazaba con USA. Amigos, familias, paises incomunicados… EL FIN DEL MUNDO ESTA LLEGANDO!!!!! He encendido y apagado el router, he reiniciado el ordenador, he llamado al servicio técnico… A Singapur funciona. Pues como esto rebiente … internet se hunde. espero que no pase nada. Esto puede ser mas grave que un ERE en el congreso Interneeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!! We're aware of a problem with Gmail affecting a small subset of users. The affected users are unable to access Gmail. We will provide an update by February 24, 2009 6:30 AM PST detailing when we expect to resolve the problem. Please note that this resolution time is an estimate and may change Either that's a witty acronym or you are a world class moron. Productivity increase:) Without email to distract me I can do some work for once! Of course instead I'm posting here… Exchange for reliabilty ?? There are reliable mail servers out there, but to suggest Exchange as the bullet proof option seems far fetched Web down Imap up?? Some people have been getting intermittent service via Imap (like me!) and it's fine for others. Some have been getting the basic HTML site to work (i've not got ot to work!) Pain in the neck! was gonna clear out 3k worth of junk emails today! paris… 'cause when she goes down it's fun! So what's good about the cloud again? Useful when around, but don't make it mission-critical, unless you like this sort of thing I guess. Still getting '502 server error'.ttfn Isn't google services falling offline one of the harbingers of the apocolypse? Well…isn't it? Ditch Exchange and Outlook (no matter how crappy they may be) for something that is little better than Hotmail? This, of course, ignores that fact that company email is even less secure and less private than it was before. What kinds of companies are we talking about? Proper ones or just mom and pop cottage industries? As title really, when it first went down, couldn't access anything, but the secure pop3 server came back up fairly quickly. The webmail is still giving a 502 error which is… annoying, but you gets what you pays for I guess! Apparently not Gmail engineers…. haven't had access for the better part of 2hrs now…. I just managed to check my email via IMAP (secure) using Evilution (Ubuntu 8.10) I can still access both my GMail accounts via IMAP It's strange using an email client again after years of using GMail though. weirdly works fine on my phone. I guess I was only one of many to report this then. Just shows how many people rely on it. Still, even with the occasional outage, I'd still rather eat a tablespoon of ferret faeces than go back to hotmail. Over the weekend I couldn't sync my iPod to Gmail, although I was accessing t'internet without issue. Hope I haven't f***ed things up? So someone has tripped over all the cables at google central again then…. Looks like you can still get to gmail if you go via the googletalk app or log into google calendar/docs and jump across to your gmail account. No doubt I'll be the millionth commenter here, reporting that it's still working via POP access, but I'm happy to report that Google Mail is still working via POP access. Point you IMAP client to their server and Hey-Presto you can still get at your emails! but no webmail as yet. looks like you can still see mail using pop3, certainly I am still getting alerts via the GTalk client, so looks like the front-end side of things have gone t*ts up IMAP/SMTP is still working. Dunno about pop3. Just had to scramble to set up a command imap client on my server 'cos today would be the day I don't have access to my thunderbird. Grumble. Still, all good now! This is affecting me as use Google Apps Mail for my business. Get yr shit together Google! Quick tip, IMAP is still working, mail is coming through to my phone. This is funny. Just what kind of free service are the offering here? Isn't it enough that we let them pimp, sorry, of course I meant analyse, our usage data in return. I did wonder why my inbox was surprisingly empty at 7-45 this morning. I suspect they started having problems way before 10-15.Well, it's a free services and a damn good one at that price, so fair enough. I don't suppose we should complain about a freebee service. Some time back, most of us wouldn't have an email address without some college or business providing it. Currently we get a basic email service from our ISP, which can also go down on occasions. The only other solution is to host your own email server in some server farm. What would it cost to set up and service, assuming most people wouldn't be technically inclined to roll their own? imap seems to work fine, at 12:02. Webmail not accessible, 502. Switched everything over to gmail address on Friday after three years of testing it, DOH (Paris, cause I feel like a dope) Though the Gmail website isn't responding, I've got no problems accessing my Gmail account via IMAP. No bloody ads either! I can't get gmail on my desktop, but I am getting it via my blackberry app, which suggests to me that the email system is working, but the web front end ain't. Hur Hur. Seriously though… I'm waiting on an e-mail from an actual real-life girl here! This is UNACCEPTABLE. "Looking just at the unplanned outages that catch IT staffs by surprise, these results suggest Gmail is twice as reliable as a Novell GroupWise solution, and four times more reliable than a Microsoft Exchange-based solution that companies must maintain themselves." Funny I still have access to my Novell GroupWise account today and so do the X number of clients we support on their own systems and less downtime then GMail in the last 12 months by the sound of it! Figures and stats are fun :) Its been working OK, albeit slowly. Still, even with a bit of downtime, its vastly better then Exchange and Outlook. After all, the would have down time as well, even just thru admin error. 1-2 days a year down time quite frankly is acceptable in my opinion. Actually, I can still use my gmail through my iphone, the browser version that seems to be down It is \_still\_ in beta… Looks like it's just the web interface that's down. I'm still getting mail ok via POP3 on, so it should be fine for anyone using GMail through a local mail app. Google's mail outage, also is effecting sky's emails, which are handled by gmai l!!! Is it free? I pay for mine. Dont forget there are several aspects to gmail. You have GAPE Standard and Premier then the bog standard Gmail offering. A lot of companies moving to Google instead of other hosted options. They are going to be the ones worried by these events. POP3 and IMAP work fine. I decided to see what was up with Gmail by googling for 'gmail down'. The first result appears to be a google group with the name of my query. Clicking on the link brought up the group with a big porn banner on the top! Not exactly office safe… Did you pay for Google mail? Anyone who thinks they can do better should have a go! Obviously they have done it just to get more people using the Offline Gmail feature they launched last week… now I understand why they promote their off line services… Gmail Fail Cartoon "We apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused." I do so hate that use of the word "any". All downtime is inconvenient. I dont think a small mess like this would convince anybody who has been weened of exchange to go back to it. Google Apps dying once a year is a lot nicer than exchange dying because: The logs are full, The database is full and now needs to be defragged for 2 days, Exchange DoSed itself by duplicating messages in its own que, etc, etc. Yep I remember the days when I had fix these sorry ass problems. Now with the miracle of google apps some other poor sod has to fix them and nobody has to pay a penny! Webmail interface is up now… Can't wait for the moaning minnies to start complaining. Works OK for me. Maybe they've fixed it. Oh good. It works now. I can now tell the people at Agilex, Inc. how terrible they are. they just kind of evaporate without rhyme nor reason Got back in, No problems accessing on the Jesus Phone throughout the outage though. 'tis all get your ass in gear !!! We all paid good clicks for this service !!!!! Webmail interface seems to be working again. rejoice! Some prankster sent a link to a Google search to a friend, who then clicked it. It was at this point that GMail servers gound to a halt at the quantity of data being pushed at them by Google. Link in full below: *DO NOT CLICK!* *DO NOT CLICK!* and still saying "BETA" in the title. You get what you pay for. in Malta - been using it all morning. All seems back now Whaddya want for nothing? LOL I use googlemail for domains and while I can't access webmail right now it's the only time I've ever had a problem with 'em and they do better than plenty of paid-for solutions to boot! I have 3 gmail accounts, one accessed only by the web Interface, one thats on POP 3 and one thats on IMAP, when I realised there was an issue I checked them all and found that none were working. Imap came back first, followed by POP 3 then the web page. So at one point it was all down. (And yes I did check connectivity was ok) I hope that your real-life girl has contacted you now that Gmail is once again tits down. However I should warn you that I met one once - more hassle than they're worth lad. Really? 1 - the logs are full - never heard of backing up the databases to flush the logs? 2 - the database is full - are you kidding me? You didn't spot this in advance / increase it's size etc etc. 2003 SP2 came out a long time ago / problem doesn't exist in 2007 / never existed in Enterprise 3 - Exchange DOSed itself - given points 1 and 2 I'm not sure you are qualified to make this statement which is actually pure fantasy - it just started duplicating messages itself did it? It's people like you who bang on about Exchange being crap without actually having the first clue about it, and probably cause more problems than the software ever did because you can't look after it. My organisation ditched a Groupwise based solution for GFail, and they pay real money for it. At least when your own server goes down you can normally kick it into life… Buyz'n'grrlz, just a few things to note: 1 it's \_free\_. If those who complain were actually paying for the service, they'd have some grounds for that complaint, but it's \_free\_. If you don't like the service, find another one and use that. 2 the IMAP and POP services worked without a problem, or at least without a problem that was detected here. Those who use a real email client didn't even notice that there was a problem until they saw that some wusses were complaining about a free service. 3 Goggle Central is in Deepest Kalifornia. If it broke at 10:15 GMT, that's 02:15 their time. Odds are excellent that the first team is asleep, and it'd take a while for whichever poor saps are on the night watch to either fix the problem or realise that they can't fix it and call in the first team. 4 When I first read the article about half an hour ago, 07:30 EST, or 12:30 GMT, the problem had been fixed, or at least Google's webmail service was working around here. This means that the outage was around 2 hours 15 minutes at most. Panicking and bitching and moaning about a two hour outage from a \_free\_ service strikes me as being… juvenile. I want my money back…..It's 1pm and I'm still getting "We're sorry… but your query looks similar to automated requests from a computer virus or spyware application. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now. ". Clearing cookies, as suggested by them, makes no difference. I suspect the problems started earlier. but things are working now. Email systems go down all the time. What's the big deal? It takes time to fix things. This one, it seems, was Google's job to fix, rather than a broken Internet. I see a prompt response, maybe some reason to improve communication,and nothing extraordinary. Its been working fine on my G1 all day through both my phone tied account and my other ones which I access using the generic Android Email program, and, as many others have reported the POP/IMAP/SMTP part seems to have been working fine so it really only seems to have been the web front end that has been broken. Didn't mirror to a local imap server you say? Idiot I say Actually I suspect if you look at down-time per user and compare it to most in-house solutions its probably doing pretty well. Has no-one noticed that if you install the imap package on linux or solaris it works for all local users without any further configuration at all? I'm not sure about the rest but suse will pull email off a remote imap/pop3 server for local users with a couple of tick-boxes and the account details, so no inbound smtp to worry about. Even if you do rely on gmail and must have the web interface, is two hours without email really a huge problem? I certainly wouldn't be looking at Exchange as an alternative. It came up very briefly and now it's gone again. I hope they fix it soon. At this rate I'm going to have to do some w*rk. This wouldn't be such big news had it happened to other web mail services. Google have taught (and are still teaching) how web mail is done - Yahoo anyone? what a massive pile of cack. I can certainly pass them a glitch like this once every 5 years. You have a Novell Groupwise account? You poor sod. Groupwise is possibly the only thing I've found that makes Exchange/Outlook seem like quality products… I'm laughing because as soon as my Gmail came back I opted to install the offline feature. While backing up it offered me a link: Go into Flaky Connection Mode Damn right. Paris, because she goes down for hours at a time Airplanes don't fall out the sky, Batteries don't burst into flames, Cars don't crash, Digital TV doesn't go dead, Electricity never stops flowing, File servers never forget, Gas never leaks, Houses never subside, Ink never stains, Jump-jets always jump, never flip, Kippers never taste off, Lemmings never fall over cliffs, Mancunians are always friendly, NASA satellites work first time, Optimus Prime will not fail to appear when needed, Portaloos are never full to the brim, Questions are always answered, Realestate is never a bad investment, Shit never happens, Trains stay on their rails Users are never wrong, VP's never bugger off with the company's loot, Windows just works, X-terminals don't need complex configuration, Youths never fail to respect their elders, and Zeppelins never ignite. I guess they finally dragged some fécker out of bed to flick that switch back on Hotmail was down as well… > Google's IMAP servers still seems to be working. If you don't want to configure an email client then you can log on via http://www.[FRICKEN' BALEETED] NICE WAY TO GET PHISHED, IDIOT. DO. NOT. GIVE. OUT. YOUR. PASSWORD. EVER. *takes calm pill* Look, even if those people are genuine, the whole idea of typing your friggin' ISP PASSWORD into some random stranger's third-party site on the web is criminally irresponsible and should not be done by anyone ever. It's f'ing stupid when Facebook suggests you give it your webmail account password so it can look up your contacts for you, but it's even more f'ing stupid to put yourself to all that risk JUST IN ORDER TO USE A WEBMAIL INTERFACE TO ACCESS SOMETHING THAT'S ALREADY WEBMAIL IN THE FIRST PLACE. FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU >rage< <goes off to bang head against wall> WHEN *bang* WILL *bang* PEOPLE *bang* GET *bang* SECURITY? *bang* *bang* *bang* Thats around 8 hours 45 minutes a year downtime. I bet theres little chance of refunds if this is exceeded …and if you know how to administer correctly it works a treat so quit your shoddy comparisons… cloud for buiness critical applications is FAIL as is marking exchange down as a bad product. Gtards! *sigh* It was kind of subtle but did anyone else get the impression that the author of the article is not a fan of Google or Gmail? We switched to Gmail for our domain about a half year ago after finally getting fed up with our web host's numerous problems. The web host themselves were aware they sucked at email and added a simple way to switch to Gmail within their control panel. Other than a few false positives arriving in the spam folder we've been very pleased with Gmail. We use POP3 rather than the web interface so maybe that has helped. Also, Exchange was never an option for us. For a company with < 10 people and no dedicated IT staff it would be suicide to rely on something so complicated. Plus the dynamic IP address makes things difficult. But perhaps we should complain "nicely and graceful". For it's free, and quite outstanding. Hilton, because she isn't. (nice, graceful, free or outstanding that is) When it popped back into existence, I had Ads displayed for the 1st time in a few years (use CustomizeGoogle Add-On in Firefox), which was a bit strange - they have now gone again \0/. And then I noticed that new mail, is not bolding the sender's name anymore - the subject still is - (or it looks like a different font at lest).. so maybe they updated the web code and it all went a bit … Pete Tong? "I dont think a small mess like this would convince anybody who has been weened of exchange to go back to it" Yeah… right..And if you're the IT Director responsible for moving to the "cloud" and then this happens how do you think you would feel when the CEO comes to you and says "what are you doing about fixing the company-wide email outage" and you have to reply "err… there's nothing we can do about it." Do me a favour. (Paris because she knows what to do when things go down) Who typed google into google search and broke the internet ? Gmail down for fours hours and now back up, not even enough time to start looting ! I'm getting errors on my imap account around 17:00 so it looks like it isnt sorted completely yet. GFail is still out for me… so much for update 2!