Formatting Gaia: The Physical Reconfiguring of Evolution’s Playbox

Formatting Gaia: The Physical Reconfiguring of Evolution’s Playbox

We live in a time of tremendous change. Through technology, we are re-formatting life processes and impacting what will eventually be needed for survival. In the photographic work of Formatting Gaia and in the following pages I will investigate the nature of these changes, some that are already visible though commonly overlooked, and the possible implication these alterations hold for the 21st century and beyond.

There are many ideological fronts under attack as we enter an increasingly technological social stratum. These include our understanding of biology, philosophy, sociology, psychology, and humanity itself. There will be heated debate as we begin to integrate into the body new technologies, genetically enhance embryos for birth, use DNA structure for cloning, and make amendments to the physical body by adding superior senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing) or muscular and mental capabilities. Such drastic shifts will call into question everything we’ve held to be safely true or have come to understand in contemporary civilization.

*excerpt from Formatting Gaia: A Comprehensive Outline of the Photographic Work