Interview with Jodi

?: You got known because of your experiments on the WorldWideWeb, and
many think of you as "the" net artists. Why did you leap into software
in your newer projects, like "OSS" and "SOD"?

Jodi: We never choose to be net.artists or not. It happened that we
started to make things on the computer, about things inside the
computer. And where is the internet anyway? Is it out there or just here
in front of your cursor? Your browser's cache is filling up with stuff
that is stored on your harddisk all the time, you can browse in and out
with the same programs.. to disconnect from the %local
computersystem would be simplifying.

?: Could one say that "OSS" is "CD-rom specific", while your pieces on
the internet were "net specific"?

!: Yes, OSS/**** was conceived for CD-Rom. That medium has specific
possibilities, for example: if you insert our disk in your computer, on
Mac it immediately overwrites with a grid of 317 files what you have on
your desktop. CD-Roms have this capacity to remember and repeat the
exact locations of how files and folders are placed.The user can %delete
and %rearrange this whole file structure while the CD is in, but the
next time, the CD will restart with its full original setup again.

?: "OSS" seems to be directed against the Graphical User Interface
(GUI). What's wrong with this interface? It seems to work very well for
a lot of people