sTALk 6

sTALk 6

You are cordially invited to stalk with the eminent physicist DAVID F
PEAT Author of Synchronicity - The Bridge between Mind and Matter,
Blackfoot Physics, The Looking Glass Universe (with John Briggs), and
Science Order and Creativity (with David Bohm).

The stalk will follow two paths; firstly, the construction of a Social
Dreaming Matrix with David Peat and two Jungian psychoanalysts; followed
by a discursive stalk.

Saturday, 11th October 1997
@ 4:00pm
@ 10 Maresfield Gardens, London NW3

"All … has changed. Physicists have a new vision of the world - but
the problem is that it has yet to change our everyday thinking. Ilya
Prigogine speaks of the transformation of our vision from that of Being
to that of Becoming. No longer do we see fixed objects but rather
emergent structures, new forms not anticipated from levels below.
Systems are open to their environments, they are aware of changing
contexts and strike a balance between internal stability and openness to
transformation." - David F Peat