*Bar code Music*

Hello World,

As part of the Homemade Instruments Festival outdoors at Lincoln Center
in NYC Peter Sinclair will be presenting his *Bar Code Music*

(Lincoln Center, Homemade Musical Instruments- August 9th 1997, 2pm

*Bar code Music*

Is a computer based system which tags bar codes to sound files. Peter
Sinclair has used the system to document his stay in N.Y. relating sound
to products which he has found, used, eaten or encountered. The sound
files themselves have been created from in-situe recordings & text to
voice software, using a variety of processing & editing techniques. The
public will discover these sounds by zapping the bar codes on the
origional objects and products which will be presented gushing out of a
sort of cornucopia loud speaker cabinet.

Peter Sinclair is a 1997 "Villa Medecis Hors Les Murs" Laureat financed
by the French AFAA organisation. Many thanks to Jerome Deques at the
Groupe De Musique Experimentale de Marseille and G.H. Hovagimyan at