Where's Your Pocket Protector?

Call for Submissions-

"Where's Your Pocket Protector?" is an online repository for digital
identities proposed by Rose Stasuk (accepted) as a web event for ISEA97.

(Intro; template):


I have it on good authority that this web event will be linked to the
ISEA website leading up to the conference (September 22-27); for public
display/access in the "cyberport" conference hub; and documented on the
ISEA97 CD-ROM which will accompany the proceedings publication.

Participation Procedure-

Visit the site address above and copy the "pocprotr.gif" (template) from
the template.html; manipulate it off-line in your favorite graphics
program and submit it via e-mail attachment. Follow specifics for file
size, compression and encoding at the site. Any questions? E-mail:
[email protected]