
I am the webmaster of a new art site, that feature a Java paint program
where visitors can paint realtime and save to the gallery. All the
paintings are saved in the virtual gallery and stay exposed forever.
Every month 3 awards are assigned to the best paintings by the official
Jury of the Institute of the Arts of Lucca (Italy). Please look at the
gallery, that feature some really good paintings:

Another particularity is the instruction page that is translated in 20
languages. I hope to see paintings submit by you too. I will be happy if
you will add AnfyPaint if you have links sections, and invite artists
here to paint freely. It is a no-profit cultural site.

A note: if you want enhance the graphic aspect of your site, you can
freely use some of my applets, check them on:

I implemented many special effects, like zoom-rotators, voxel
landscapes, texturemapped cubes, artificial life, whormhole simulations
and so on.