C3 Budapest -> VR




Solve et Coagula

Digital art and Virtual Reality @ C3
A violent sensual symbiosis
Mating man & machine

The violence of things connected:

Solve et Coagula is primarily an attempt to give birth to a new life
form: half digital, half organic. Through a multisensorial, full duplex
sensory interface the installation networks the human with an emotional,
sensing and artificially intelligent creature; it mates man with a
machine turned human and everything that goes with it: ecstatic,
monstrous, perverted, craving, seductive, hysterical, violent,

Solve et Coagula is a post-human life form. It presents the emergence of
a new species, a bio-cybernetic symbiosis, transforming the conception
of being human by mating man with a sensing and emotional machine.
Through a bio-cybernetic interface SeC extends the computer's logic and
intelligence into a human domain of dark desire.

Through the corporal and sensual symbiosis of an intelligent,
interactive three-dimensional creature and a human user(s) SeC question
the possibility of a post-human and a post-biological lifeform.

The Installation: The installation is a multisensorial perception- and
manipulation device. It uses several modes of interaction to both read
and influence the user(s):

3D audio-kinetics: Through spatial, 3D sound projected from the
loudspeakers the user is immersed in a moving audio pattern (audial
reality) of the creature's constantly-changing virtual body, surrounding
and enclosing the user inside the creature itself.

VR: The primary user is visually immersed in a non-linear, non-Cartesian
computer constructed 3D reality of the creatures body.

Light: The user is flooded in light inversely in intensity to the
creature's emotional arousal.

Body suit: The body suit of the user serves as an intelligent, two way
communication interface to the creature. It provides (i) tactile stimuli
so that the creature can touch the user's body, and (ii) the creature
sense the body condition of the human through the built-in bio-sensors.

Solve et Coagula

a project by Knut Mork and Stahl Stenslie

Cowork/Coprogramming by Lars Nillsson and Karl Anders Oygard