"I feel so used!"

Well There are over 5,000 artists works up on the web. Of course Mr.
Gibbs has done what every other impartial media type does [see Gibbs
article available through]. Rather than
look at the work on the web and research it and maybe find a different
way to look at things, the best Gibbs can come up with is a list of
names of known artists. This crap doesn't even come close to intelligent
discourse. The issues that Weiner, Mullican and Lawler deal with are
established. Talk about reinforcing the status quo. All of the artists
that Gibbs talk about hire web designers to make the work for them
(probably young artists). They don't know the internet, are barely
computer literate and see cyberspace as another marketing ploy. It keeps
their work relevant by doing Wiener is a conceptual artists.
His success has been to work within the art system while posing as a
rebel. Both Lawler & Mullican are Post Modernists who work with
photograph and print media. To attach any serious meaning to their works
on the web is to do a great disservice to all the other artists who
pioneered cyberspace in the first place.