net-art98 results

Results for the net-art98 event are now posted on the site

net-art98 ran from September to December 1998 and comprised a randomized
listing of web specific art sites, nominated by site visitors, and then
voted on by any registered visitors to the site. Registered visitors
could cast between -5 and fifteen points per site visited, return and
change that vote but not vote twice for same site.

The resulting list we think gives a fresh perspective to the web
specific art that was around last year and some sense of a community
consensus as to what people most enjoyed and found of interest. Included
in the lists are many new workers in the medium getting a publicized
open showing of their sites for the first time.

We hope to be able to continue the experiment 1999. So far a completely
unfunded initiative, the plans at the moment are to start publicly
listing nominations during March 1999, voting to start again in June and
finish in September. Nominations are open now at