SYNWORLD playwork:hyperspace


Public Netbase is planning an exhibition/symposion next year called
SYNWORLD playwork:hyperspace (27-31 May 1999). It will deal with
information architecture, 3D Simulation and particularly games and will
include examples and demos from science & research,
entetainment/industry and the arts.

We will present computer games and/or modifications of all kinds. If you
have any ideas or actively involved in this field, please inform us
about your projects.

Public Netbase is running an Unreal server, a highly popular 3D first
person shooter game plattform. We would particularly like to invite you
to send us proposals for the Unreal plattform. Currently the following
people have agreed to work on this project: Vuk Cosic, Max Moswitzer,
Axel Stockburger, Bob Adrian, Martin Krenn and others…

Submission deadline: December 24. 98

Please send your Submissions to [email protected]