a bedtime story


a bedtime story
a performance by susana mendes silva

Susana Mendes Silva will present the performance a bedtime story =20
during INTIMACY: Across Visceral and Digital Performance.

a bedtime story by Susana Mendes Silva (Portugal /UK)
The artist will tell a bedtime story to everyone who would like to =20
hear one.

Participants are asked to send an e-mail to [email protected] or =20
call 07964291286
to schedule the date and the time you would like to hear your story.
You can choose if the story is told to you in English or Portuguese
and you must have Skype (or arrange to have it before your story)
and provide your skype name.
Maximum time: 30 minutes.
=46rom 10pm each night of 7, 8, 9 December

more information on:

susana mendes silva
[email protected]