inmerso cyberlounge performance inaugural Entropy8zuper!


inmerso [ foro lounge ]

El Cyberlounge del Museo Tamayo arte Contemporaneo
invita al performance inaugural de

e8z! Entropy8zuper!

miercoles 8 de agosto 2007
20:00 Horas
cd Mexico

Entropy8zuper! es un duo de artistas que, en complejos ambientes
virtuales, crean emociones a traves de sofisticadas imagenes, sonidos
evocativos y narrativas teologicas “ miticas “ en la red. Aureia Harvey
y Michael Samyn se unieron en 1999 en un intenso amor generado a traves
de su pasion por el medio electronico. En Nueva York, Harvey era
Entropy8 y en Belgica, Samyn era conocido como Zuper!. Con sus
creaciones de diseno web a traves de la pagina descubrieron el mundo que los
interconectaba. Su historia sucedio en el servidor de, una
fantasia pasional en linea que se extendio hacia la realidad.

if ( 1 + 1 == 1 ) { e8z = true; }

Su propuesta busca que el usuario experimente emotividad en la
interaccion con los disenos web de Entropy8Zuper!. Para los artistas,
cuando las cosas empiezan a significar algo, cuando en los usuarios se
desarrolla un sentimiento, es cuando el trabajo de los artistas tambien
ha iniciado.

Actualmente, sus obras son clasicas del web-art, ejemplo de la
intensidad de las relaciones en Dhtml. /Genesis/,/ /su primera obra como
pareja esta integrada en

/godlove museum/ . /wirefire/ o /skinonskinonskin/, han estado presentes
porlargo tiempo en la irrealidad de la red. Recientemente, Harvey y Samyn han incursionado en el desarrollo de videojuegos y ambientes
experimentales a traves de su pagina Especificamente,
el proyecto /Endles Forest/ es un espacio multi-participativo, en el que
un venado interactua con otros usuarios venados mediante el lenguaje
corporal; gracias a la red, quien participa en este videojuego habita
temporalmente en un bosque repleto de sonidos atmosfericos, en donde con
suerte se encontrara a las deidades creadoras de una mitologia, cuya
mision es dar ilusion a este mundo a partir de Abiogenesis.


Entropy8zuper! is a duo of artists who generate emotions through
sophisticated images, evocative sounds and mythic narratives set in
complex virtual environments on the web. Aureia Harvey and Michael Samyn
bonded in 1999 thanks to an intense love born out of their passion for
the medium. In New York, Harvey was Entropy8, while in Belgium Samyn was
known as Zuper! With their web design creations uploaded on their page
www.entropy8zuper they discovered the
world that bound them together. Their story unfolded on a server,, a passionate online personal fantasy that would take reality

if ( 1 + 1 == 1 ) { e8z = true; }

Their goal is that users experiment emotions through their interaction
with the web designs of Entropy8Zuper! For these artists it is only when
things start taking on meaning and feelings begin to arise in the user
that their work commences.

Today their works are web-art classics, and an example of the intensity
reached by relationships established in Dhtml. /Genesis/, their piece
crafted as a couple, consisting of /godlove museum/, /wirefire/ or
/skinonskinonskin/. The artwork has been present on line for a long time.

Recently Harvey and Samyn have taken up the creation of video games and
experimental environments within their page In
particular their project /Endless// Forest/ is a multiplayer space where
a deer interacts with other deer-players through body language. Thanks
to the web, the participants in this videogame will temporarily inhabit
a forest filled with atmospheric sounds, where, luckily, they will come
across the deities behind a mythology whose mission is keeping illusion
alive in the world, through Abiogenesis, an origin of life that is
produced in their videogames.