Rhizome Editorial Shift

Dear Readers,

I'm writing to share an editorial policy change with you.

After considerable deliberation we've decided to have our front page
news stream published by Rhizome staff only. Our decision is motivated
primarily by a consideration of our resources. It is quite costly
(labor and technology-wise) to maintain multiple reBlog accounts and
to keep volunteer efforts active and consistent. After years of group
site editor management, we feel our staff energy would be better
expended elsewhere–for example, in developing our TextBase and other

We are incredibly grateful to those who have contributed so much of
their time and knowledge to keeping the Rhizome community abreast of
the most important issues and practices in the new media art field. It
has been wonderful working closely with them and we've listed them as
Site Editors Emeritus, here:


Please stay tuned to the front page for continued reBlogging activity
and original site content.


+ + +
Marisa Olson
Editor & Curator, Rhizome
New Museum of Contemporary Art