The Snowmen Congress is over, see the highlights: lectures and performances

Dear all,

THE SNOWMEN CONGRESS IS OVER! (scroll down) (scroll down) (scroll down)

As you certainly know, the Snowmen Congress ( ) finished last Wednesday. It was really
a hard work to organize the congress and to care of snowpeopple. They were
always saying: -What a heat, I am going to melt!!! But all this work was
rewarded by the wonderful lectures and performances we had. I have to thank
a lot to Lord Gypsy that came with the Rolidei Caravan from Brazil North
East ( ) and made to snow
here. The stage was built on Ipanema Beach ( ) and, at night, there was
many, many people there watching the lectures and performances by
snowpeople. It was really a great success!

Below you have some highlights:

1) - Global Warming and our destiny… (Lecture) -

2) - I am dreamed of snow boiling… (Performance) -

3) - Lord Gypsy and the Rolidei Caravan - Bye Bye Brasil (Performance) -

4) - The Chocolate Snowman Bad (?) Performance -

In his classic work Raizes do Brasil (Roots of Brazil), historian Sergio
Buarque de Holanda writes that the Brazilian experience is unique: we
constitute a unique, vast and effective effort to transplant European
culture in a tropical and sub-tropical region. As a result of our process of
civilization, our culture has always valued foreigners, and our art-both
tropicalist and anthropophagic-habitually values and devours everything that
comes from abroad, recycling it and returning it to the circuit with our own
distinctive timber.

5) - Samba Trash (Performance) -

6) - Snowpeople: Roles and Representations (Lecture) -

If you visit first you will find there links to all
these lectures and performances .

I would like to thank:

Adriana Dorfman, Brigitte Neufeldt, Bryan Mackern, David Inkey, Eduardo
Santos, Jeremy Hight, Martha L. Deed, Patrick-Henri Burgaud, Paulo Villela
and Reiner Strasser by their wonderful colaboration sending me the
snowpeople and comments. You will find their names and their URLS at .

It is necessary:
Flash Player 8.0, Quick Time Pluggin 7.1.3 and a very fast connection. I
tested it using a PC with Internet Explorer 6.0 and Mozilla Firefox1.5.0.9.

Comments will be welcome!

All best,



Regina Celia Pinto

Museum of the Essential and Beyond That -

Library of Marvels -