Jillian McDonald reviewed in NYTimes

Fantastic review for Jillian here (+ stills and vid):

NYTimes: Art
Jillian Mcdonald, Performance Artist, Forsakes Billy Bob Thornton for
Published: July 30, 2006


IT was a sweltering Saturday afternoon on an L train hurtling across
Manhattan toward Brooklyn. The last car held the usual assortment of
characters: two women shrieking about a recent outing to a hardware store
while a man lounged before them, guffawing; a young woman hiding behind
sunglasses and iPod earbuds; a scruffy man slumped beside his messenger bag.
Nobody paid much attention as a slender, elegant young woman began to enact
a ritual familiar to subway riders: peering intently into a tiny mirror, she
carefully started to make up her face. […]

cheerrs Jillian!
