Project_SVEN_-__Zurich_performancee_12_Jul y_

SVEN - Beach and World Van Tour '06 continues in Zurich this Wednesday 12=

Escher-Wyss-Platz. Zurich. Look for a cargo van, probably white.
Hosted by the Digital Art Weeks Conference:
(Drive on July 12 3pm; Talk on July 13 - see site for details.)

Project SVEN:

SVEN (Surveillance Video Entertainment Network): the project that asks the
question, "If computer vision technology can detect when you look like a te=
criminal, or other nasty type - why not have it detect when you look like a=
rock star?"

Coming up: SVEN in San Jose, USA
ISEA 2006 / Zero One San Jose Symposium

and semi-spontaneous drives in the San Diego area.

Coming this fall:
SVEN open source computer vision software for public spaces.

SVEN is being developed on an ongoing basis, so changes to software and
presentation are made continually.

SVEN Development/Production Team '06: Amy Alexander, Wojciech Kosma, Vincent
Production Assistants/Roadies: Marilia Maschion, Annina Ruest
Initial SVEN Development by: Amy Alexander, Jesse Gilbert, Nikhil Rasiwasia

More info, pictures, videos, and theoretical text:
Contact: sven06 (fill_in_the_symbol)

Note - Mail sent to the email address in the header may or may not actually
reach me! A current, fully-functional address for me can always be found at=
bottom of the home page. Danke, gracias and thanks!