Serpent & Egg and Eagle Labyrinth
17. Topological thinking in a morphological world: Pollocks question as to whether his own process was not in of itself nature is a very complicated proposition: it is the creativity of human beings within their approach as language animals which provides their very concept of nature, creativity is, as Heraclitus essentially provides, what is common to sign and signified. We read, not only phenomenon per se, but also what it is .
18. Thus the intended elasticity the lever, where that elasticity of language is ever the globality of the plasticity of expression through the building of discourse,
19. Discourse being that building, the rigorous establishment of the chords threads and strings of connective meaning associations as structures of a reading.
20. In my work the semiotic value is developed of the reading through the cyber loop, I will use for example a backgrounding of apparently Bauhaus like elements which in the new mode have a different planar reading, as those planes curve,. The edges of my recorded sheets have the information of perforations and through the cyber field they curve with the scroll, and give a kind of “text mapping” through the torus.