DIE FORM - ExHuman

DIE FORM - ExHuman

"Die Form send back out a hybrid corpse mechanism era respiration-byte
with the abolition world-codemaniacs brain universe of a drug fetus."
Kenji Siratori, author of Blood Electric

. ExHuman - second part of the InHuman/ExHuman diptych -, exposes the
other face of DIE FORM where the thematic and sounds are more
directed towards abstraction, electronic and geometry. Always in
search of new experiments, the voices were the object of
hybridizations and futurist sonorities were mixed with traditional
analog sounds. Three new video-clips are also present on the DVD
included in the original edition in DinA5 hardcover book-format CD/
DVD. The booklet is composed of photograms and images staging bodies
and objects in settings with cubist accents.

ExHuman - second volet du diptyque InHuman/ExHuman -, expose l'autre
face de DIE FORM ou les sons et la thematique sont davantage orientes
vers l'abstraction, l'electronique et la geometrie. Toujours a la
recherche de nouvelles experimentations, les voix ont fait l'objet
d'hybridations et les sonorites futuristes ont ete mixees avec des
sons analogiques traditionnels. Trois nouveaux video-clips sont
egalement presents sur le DVD qui accompagne l'edition originale en
format livre-CD/DVD A5. Le livret est compose de photogrammes et
d'images mettant en scene corps et objets dans des decors aux accents

The new studio album appears as a luxurious CD/DVD set on TRISOL/
MatrixCube :