reading between on glowlab

reading between, an internet based project exploring what it means to
read together, is featured (along with lots of other interesting
projects) in the new issue of Glowlab ( ). Anyone
is invited to join the project by receiving a free copy of the most
interesting book I read in the last year.


(1) We Are Reading

We begin with almost nothing, just the act of reading.

Over the next few months, as part of a show with no artworks, "Les
formes du delai", at La Box gallery in Bourges, France I'll be
thinking through the act of reading as an artistic source. Gradually,
the website will develop as a space for exploring
what it might mean to read together, a place to share and exchange
what we are reading.

I'll begin with an invitation. The most interesting and pleasurable
book I've read over the last year is David Graeber's Toward an
Anthropological Theory of Value: The False Coin of our own Dreams.
David Graeber is a brilliant anthropologist, also an anarchist and
activist, and his book is one of those where 100 ideas spin off every
page. It includes lucid critiques of postmodernism, discussion of
gift economies, a really interesting perspective on Marx (which
caused me to spend the summer reading Das Kapital), a theory of
social creativity, and countless lively anthropological examples. I'm
still mulling over a small aside he made on the meaning of men's and
women's fashion.

I'd like to invite you to read some David Graeber with me. I'll send
a free copy of the book to anyone who wants one – just email to me
with your postal address: sal [at] readingbetween [dot] org



sal randolph
