Re: Re: box car willie

>Do you consider anti-elitism to be better than elitism?

anti-elitism isn't non-elitism then. you are assuming a point at the
opposite end a linear scale. i am saying forget the scale.

>>every genre is better for some things, worse for others.
>This requires that we accept that all "things" have equal value.
>Which they do not.

totally disagree, all thing are interchangeable. but that's
non-elitism not anti-elitism. a 20 minute 25 piece orchestra can
easily require more work to score than a chord progression and a page
of lyrics. rock can also be a better gig for the album cover
designer.but there are far too many exceptions to make any rules.
i'm defining "elitism" as adhering to one or more of those
(untenable) rules.

>Anti-elitism, like suspended value judgements before it, serves the
>market suspiciously well.

ok. but in this case, it works and judgmentalism doesn't. i don't
care who else it serves, the question is only if it's serving us?
sticking to one (fairly obscure) criteria is totally fine, even cool,
but it still isn't producing the results we want (or nobody would
mention NYT reviews for example). it behooves us to recognize as
many criteria as possible, not worry about whether any criteria is
"right" or not.

and unless there are still a lot of "procedural" programmers out
there, we should be leading the pack thinking non-linearly. and
thinking in terms of (1 bit) dichotomies is a step we can move


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