FW: T-deus : FILE 2004 Invitation

Aux contributeurs qui ont oublie de m'envoyer leur nouvel e-mail.
To the contributors who have forgot to send me their new e-mail.


As written in the letter below, T-deus was selected for Guestfile of FILES
04 Sao Paulo, Brasil. I will sign an authorization for the "eventual"
utilisation of the site for the promotion of the festival. I hope you'll
agree with it.

Ainsi qu'annonce dans la lette ci-dessous, T-deus a ete selectionne pour la
Guestfile de FILE 04 Sao Paulo, Brasil.
Je dois d'urgence signer une autorisation pour l'utilisation "eventuelle" du
site dans le cadre de la promo du festival.
En esperant que vous etes d'accord.

> "I grant FILE- electronic language international festival, a license to
> publish and use my entry in any FILE publication, advertisement,
> Marketing or promotional material, by any means FILE chooses"

Bien cordialement, kind regards

Tamara Lai
