[pub] "Problemarket.com: ceci n'est pas un stock exchange"

For those interested / Para los interesados

Buigues, Ana. "Problemarket.com: ceci n'est pas un stock exchange."
_Maska. Performing Arts Journal_. Ljubljana, Slovenia. Vol 19, No. 1-2
(84-85), Winter-Spring 2004.

is also available online (in English only) at:





This article attempts to contextualize Igor Stromajer and Davide
Grassi's project _Problemarket.com. The Problem Stock Exchange_,
2001, within activist performance. The hybrid nature of this project
touches upon many different media and channel ubications, performance
strategies, and rebellious claims for several art and life spaces.
_Problemarket.com_ – a stock market whose commercial activity is based
on the trade of problems – is a melange of interventions within social
networks, urban action, political protest, performance, and net.art,
with an emphasis on the economies of [emotional] deficit and [economic]

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Buigues, Ana. "Problemarket.com: ceci n'est pas un stock exchange."
_Maska. Performing Arts Journal_. Ljubljana, Slovenia. Vol 19, No. 1-2
(84-85), Winter-Spring 2004.

esta tambien disponible en linea (solo en ingles) en:





Este articulo intenta contextualizar el proyecto de Igor Stromajer
y Davide Grassi _Problemarket.com. The Problem Stock Exchange_, 2001,
en el marco de la performance activista. La naturaleza hibrida de
este proyecto mantiene puntos de contacto con la utilizacion de
diferentes medios y canales de ubicacion, estrategias de performance
y reivindicaciones de varios espacios de la vida y del arte.
_Problemarket.com_ – una bolsa de valores, cuya actividad comercial
se basa en el trueque de problemas – es una mezcla de intervenciones
en los networks sociales, accion urbana, protesta politica, performance
y net.art, con un enfasis en las economias de deficit [emocional] y
beneficio [economico].

Ana Buigues, Valencia (es)

-Side A (or B): http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~abuigues/cvw.html
-Side B (or A): http://www.geocities.com/supermiembro/otherbio.html