reGuarding Race

reGuarding Race

When I walk through door,
Where they take your bag
Because of deceit,
I often walk through,
Because of conceit,
That I am immune,
To these small defeats.

A guard asks for my
Pockets to empty,
I gladly oblige,
And reveal myself
A sinner, with a
Knife that succumbs to
Gravity. Yet
I face no wrath of
An angry god called
Cause I have
The face to
Match him

I protect her, She
Has a smaller knife
That does not succomb,
She is endangered
Because her face shows
Her grief. A Darkness,
But not the darkness
That some say should be
But is not my shame.

The guard, he winks at me
Thinking of me as
A new compadre,
Enjoying the small
Tortures he can efface
Because of his race.

It's like the bonehead
The guy at J&E
A local speak EZ,
Who has hair
And face like mine,
He confronts me with
Stories of his infidelity,
And criminality,
Expecting me to
Be awed
By his
Blatant disregard
For humanity
Excused by his
Differing progeny.

He expects me
To agree.

I do not.
Nor with
A Former,
Partner in business
Who with pleading
In his voice
And demeaning
In his eyes
States, does not hesitate,
To inform me
Of how
I had
Rid myself
She was
He said
Cause of my failings,
Soon to be me wailings,
She did not fit
In his achromic
He assumed,
Perfumed, rich man,
Was mine.
He thought
He looked
Like me.
But he
Was not
So pretty.
And he was little
He didn't
Stand up
So I rid myself
Of him.
Then gave
His carcass
To her.
She cooked
It up in a stew.
And we feasted
For a year.

Reguarding race
We answer the question like this.
If I am standing on a box
That is six foot tall.
And She is on a box
That is three foot tall.
And we are both
Trying to touch the
Sky. It would be
Pretty stupid for
Me to come down.
So she decides
To get up on the
Box with me.
It makes sense
You see.
I can't help
Her climb.
She can't make
Me crawl.
We can
Just try
To be on
The same
And hopefully
It's the tallest
One we
Can Find.

joseph and donna