trAce/ELO event Oct 19 Games and Storytelling

Please join us in the trAce/Electronic Literature Organization chat on
Oct 19 to discover the links between games and storytelling.

In a recent article on trAce Edward Picot reviewed Ylight has no tongue
by Lewis LaCook and The Princess Murderer by geniwate and Deena Larsen.
This led to a discussion in the trAce forums about how gaming
technologies and techniques might be applied to narrative-based
projects.Y Our guest today, Tim Wright, the trAce writer in residence on
the Writers For The Future project
(, will lead a discussion about how
more storytelling might be injected into games (is storytelling a kind
of game anyway?).
Tim Wright trained as a journalist and editor on various magazines
(Which Computer?, LAN Magazine) and newspapers (The Independent, Sunday
Times). In 1995 Tim left print publishing to become one of the three
Managing Partners of NoHo Digital, one the UK's most successful
independent new media agencies. In 1999, Tim and his creative
collaborator Rob Bevan left NoHo to form XPT, with a view to finding
markets and audiences for their own original digital works. In that time
he has been the lead writer of two BAFTA-winning interactive projects -
the comedy self help disk 'MindGym' and Web & email drama 'Online
Caroline', as well as scripting the lunatic Web 'holiday' 'Mount
Kristos' and the absurd virtual gift-giving service 'IT3C'. Tim speaks
regularly at industry events & workshops. He is a Norwich City
supporter. YY
Tim Wrightis INRESIDENCE blog is at
There you will find links to his projects that have more than a little
game element in them.
About the live chat
Chats are Sundays at 9 pm UK time, 4 pm New York, 1 pm Los Angeles, 10
pm Rome, 8 am (Monday) Sydney. See 03&hour!&min=0&sec=0&p16
for the time in your timezone
Place: LinguaMOO
Feel free to arrive a half hour early for practice. You are then invited
to listen during 20 minutes of Yintroduction, statements and interview
points, then join in with questions and discussion.
How to take part in LinguaMOO
iYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Click on the LOG IN button on the left hand side
iYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Type in your name at the prompt
iYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Once in the MOO, type "@go trAcElo" to get to the
trAce/ELO chat room where this chat is taking place
sponsored by trAce <> and the Electronic
Literature Organization <>