Paleo Pyscho Pop

Paleo Psycho Pop by Hilarius Hofstede, as the first in a series of shows within Second Life, curated by Jon Paludan.

Visit the show here:
20. september - 20. november 2007.

Paleo Psycho Pop is the title on Hilarius Hofstedes projekt, consisting of a list over his titles on poetry and art work since 1995. The titles list is installed at the Boom Pearls spot. Further more Hofstede will place some of the titles at a selection of places in Second Life, as diskoteques, sex clubs, and other places that can be associated with his view on this persistent online world. Hofstede thinks of it as technological doll house, where social interaction only changes the experience of going around in a zombie world a bit.

When you create an account in Second Life, you accept the offered possibilities. The overwhelming collection of Hofstedes titles combines different references from technology and nature in a surprising way. The show Paleo Psycho Pop offers a solution for how artists new in an online world work with aesthetics.

This way the project is inspired by the experience of entering Second Life, and the cooperation in relation to Boom Pearls. Boom Pearls is a curated project, where invited artists present their work in Second Life. The project takes place in a world, where the users can build, write, script and experience themselves through a 3D world developing fast.

Independence to the developers of Second Life is central, and the users are offered as much freedom as possible. The inworld local currency can be exchanged with US dollars, and the users take the opportunity to expand the value of their online property. Second Life can be understood as both a game and an online community service.

In this world, and other online worlds, mechanisms dictate the frame for the user experience. It can be hard for new users to develop opportunities for a higher understanding of the situation, which more trained users have.

This project will fascillitate that opportunity for new users: artists, with little knowledge of Second Life. Boom Pearls explores how new and less experienced users can be appropriated, as art dealing with the understanding of art within persistent online worlds.

The other participants in Boom Pearls are Tommy Stöckel, Antonia Low, Gillion Grantsaan, Pernille With Madsen, Lars Pellarin, Gitte Broeng og Seimi Nørregård.

Follow the project in Second Life and at