The Progressive Patriot Poster Contest

Progressive Patriot Poster Contest
Images to Inspire America

The True Patriot Network is calling for poster art that encourages and inspires American
progress and patriotism. With the United States facing an immense challenge, it is time
for a new generation of images to embolden and unite us. The True Patriot Network is
sponsoring an online juried poster exhibition with prizes totaling $3,000. Artists are
asked to submit images that embody the nature of true American patriotism and
represent such principles as mutual obligation, equality of opportunity, stewardship,
and service to country. Contest subject to Official Rules. For full details, restrictions and
Official Rules, and to enter, visit


, ted

there seems to be a typo in the link to the website at the end of the description… it is including a . in the URL… someone should edit this posting. cheers