one - the random story book has launched "one - the random storybook."

we welcome you to check it out and tell your friends about it.

we would also like to invite you to take part in this on-growing experimental project by contributing as many works as you like, works can contain graphics, interactive or linear animations(with last frame pointing to process.html), scripting and/or text. All works must be included into a .html document with one or more hyperlinks in your work pointing to process.html (please note that no other hyperlinks pointing to other urls can be accepted) contributors will be credited and linked, if you want, on the main page. as this work aims to experiment the chaotic composition of random events and visuals, there are no predetermined central theme to this storybook, you are welcome to create anything that you like/dislike, that you feel, that affects you, that inspire/intrigue you. please send works to [email protected]

thank you for reading
