Thank you RHIZOME for letting me post these threads! YAK ReMiX will be debuting @ THE SHOP in ITHACA N.Y. on FEB. 26TH @ 7:30-ish come early! It's a FREE SHOW!……… TEA HOUSE cafe MUSIC and some more. YAK ReMiX is influenced by bands like PHISH, The Grateful DEAD Frank Zappa TRAFFIC. If you liked these bands you will probably like us. So Far no-one is complaining especially US (me-babylon john, Kyle, and Jim) hey! we expect media at this event and to be critiqued and written up in the local rags. So PLEASE journalists music critics by all means nows your chance to see and judge what we are doing. looking forward to a good revue. THINK POSITIVE!…..peace love health wisdom good fortune to the kind generous and gentle spirited humorous ones we encounter In Our wonderful/insane consumer based petro-chemical age.MORE ON THAT SUBJECT later, way way later………..PEACE Out dudes and dudettes! grasshoppers kittens cyber puppies and Fellow humans!