Commercial...but artistically relevant

new company, new vision

jackie lightfield & khyal braun announce ART SPARK INTERACTIVE. This is
the publishing label of blowtorch studios, "industrial strength design"
(, and the only interactive arts studio on the east


A Call to multimedia Artists

we are seeking original works, (we mean original) artistic creations
that defy retail marketing, wierd worlds that immerse you in fantastic
experiences and cutting edge poetry in motion.


Current Releases

we are currently shipping bar-min-ski: Consumer Product. (a satiric

in january 1997, we will be shipping Super Spy (an animated adventure)

+ + +

please e-mail us at [email protected] for more info.

we can be reached in an analog sort of way @:

art spark interactive/blowtorch studios inc.
319 Peck St.
Suite 36N
New Haven, CT 06513

203-603-4577 tel
203-781-0287 fax