Ygdasil 0.4.3 - VR Scripting Language

Alex Hill at EVL has recently released a new GUI interface for Dave Pape's Ygdrasil CAVE programming language. Ygdrasil is an easy-to-use markup and scripting language for immersive virtual environments in the CAVE. It uses a structure of nodes, events, and messages similar to VRML, and can be used for tele-immersive projects connecting multiple CAVE's. Ygdrasil runs on Linux and SGI CAVE's, clusters, GeoWalls, C-Walls, VR Cubes, ImmersaDesks, or just plain vanilla PC's and laptops. Designed to make VR accessible to students, artists, and beginning programmers, Ygdrasil also features an easily extensible C++ architecture. Features include 3D model export from Maya, 3D Studio, Lightwave, Blender, and other popular modeling packages; animation; scripting; particles; morphing; Quicktime video texturing and live video texturing; multichannel spatialized audio; and GLSL hardware shaders. The latest release, Ygdrasil 0.4.3, features an all-new GUI for drag-and-drop VR scene design within the CAVE.

Ygdrasil itself is open-source, though it is encumbered by two proprietary packages (SGI's OpenGL Performer visualization and simulation library and the CAVE library itself).

Though it doesn't have the full GUI design of some commercial VR tools, or some of the visual effects of some game engines, Ygdrasil does provide a very quick pathway to creating work for the CAVE.

You can get the latest source releases at http://www.evl.uic.edu/yg, or see the Ygdrasil User's Guide at http://www.bcchang.com/ygguide.

–ben chang
art institute of chicago
[email protected]