All Hung Show

The All Hung Show
deadline: Wednesday, January 04

Open to all artists over the age of 18, this art show offers a 'first come, first hung' opportunity.

To enter the show:
1. Bring one artwork to the Montpelier Arts Center on Wednesday, January 4, 2006 between 9am and 8pm.

2. Work should be framed and ready to hang with wire or hooks. Art may not exceed 35' in any direction. Hanging wall sculpture is acceptable in a shadow box or if unbreakable.

3. There is no hanging fee and no commission is taken on the sale of artwork.

4. Come to the reception on Friday, January 6, 7-9pm.

5. Remove work on Thursday, January 26, from 9am to 8pm.

for more info:
Montpelier Cultural Arts Center
t: 301.953.1993 or [email protected]