For Millie Niss

Martha Deed, Millie's Niss's mother, has put together 111 photos of Millie
from birth till shortly before her death on November 29. I've put those
photos and Martha's notes about the photos on, along with a piece
of writing I did about Millie.

Many thanks to Martha for allowing me and you access to these photos which
are dear to her. I found them very moving and learned much about my friend's
life that I did not know, previously. Thanks also to Martha for her generous
correspondence with me, in a difficult time for her, throughout the process
of our doing this project. I quote one of Martha's emails in its entirety in
the writing I did; it is very illuminating concerning several issues
relevant to the photos and provides us with some knowledge of the health
problems Millie experienced throughout her life.

'For Millie Niss' also contains many links to Millie's work, writings about
her, and to Martha's work. They worked together as a creative team sometimes
known as M & M. Martha is continuing her own work and is also working on
various projects involving Millie's writings and web art. Martha is
continuing in her creativity, which one can't help but know Millie would
have wished for her very much. She is continuing the Sporkworld blog she and
Millie did together, for instance, at .



, Christina McPhee

Thank you, Jim. It was amazing to hang out with Millie at the Nottingham Trent Trace conference (Incubation). I can't believe she is gone. Thank you so much for putting up this image diary of her life.

, Michael Szpakowski

Absolutely - thanks for this, Jim.