
Waterpod has been imagined as a realistic alternative to traditional living spaces. It is a floating sculptural structure that will travel the New York waterways in the summer of 2009 and act as a home for 6 visual artists. At its most basic it is a commercial barge that is currently being converted into a mobile art exhibition and living space that will showcase sustainable technology. Lonny Grafman of Appropedia, the sustainable wiki, and his Humboldt State University Engineering Class 215 have been working on innovative sustainable projects in order to make life aboard Waterpod what we dreamed. The New York Waterpod contingent has been acting as the green client and helping teach the class via a webcam in exchange for their priceless experiments. Initially we looked at our essential energy needs, survival and attainable comfort and translated that into a list of potential projects for the aspiring engineers.

South Street Seaport, Pier 17 (GGP)

