Weird Shift Storefront

The Weird Shift Storefront is currently seeking submissions of work, research, events, performances, shares of any kind.

Weird Shift is a six-month multi-faceted project, designed to create a community culture around lesser-known areas of knowledge. Weird Shift’s purpose is to collect, document, share, and thereby stimulate the investigation of illuminating and exciting marginalia. By providing events for visitors to share and learn about sideline intellectual pursuits and performances, Weird Shift creates a community culture around minor areas of knowledge that include local and regional arcana, anecdotal stories, speculative histories, and vernacular electronics. By offering a physical space in which the Archives of the Weird Shift can be made publicly available and curated for display, Weird Shift shares the work of many people and inspires visitors to pursue their own alternative research. And by having staff on hand in the space to engage community members, Weird Shift supports this culture and offers its resources to those who can use them for further weird marginalia studies.

We want you to be part of this space, to come in and work with us to promote this sort of research into marginal studies. We are looking for workshops, lectures, art installations, performances, events, games, skill shares, paper presentations, speeches, individual artworks, and general research that can be incorporated into the archive.

Our current schedule will run the space between April and October, 2014. The storefront is located in Portland, Oregon.

If you are interested in working on a project in this space submit images and ideas to [email protected]

Tell us two things: 1) what you want to do, and; 2) some possible dates when you could do it. Currently we have an open call for visual artworks, performances, lectures etc. and there will be more specific calls for curated selections at later dates.

We are also interested in remotely-delivered projects, via network, phone, or mail.

Scheduling is happening now on a rolling basis! Get in touch today!

Weird Shift Storefront is supported by the Precipice fund and FreeGeek project grants.