International Call for Entry Mobile Photo

  • Location: Minneapolis Photo Center, 2400 North 2nd Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55411, US
  • Deadline: Mar 2 2014 at 12:00PM
  • outbound link ↱
Mobile phones, like Apple and Android, have become an increasingly popular for photographers, allowing for fast, fun and easy processing of images. This mobility helps keep our eyes sharp and minds visually and actively aware of the world around us.

Tapping into your own creative spirit is, first and foremost, a matter of developing awareness. This awareness allows you to bring together information and
material, expand your mind, quiet the senses, and allows the unconscious to reveal rich imagery.

These devices are not only a powerful tool for documenting your life through single imagery, but also an excellent means of creating stunning layered composite images.

In the course of taking these spontaneous photos, see both the pictures that present themselves to you, and those that emerge when you combine several seemingly insignificant images. Strive to develop the courage to ignore your
inner critics and follow your own visions. Explore the process of letting go and allow your creativity to reveal stories to us—meaningful and personal through single imagery or composites — all with our Mobile Phones!