TotemCollective / COPYSHOP


The group TotemCollective has designed a new set of furniture for COPYSHOP. TotemCollective will be working at The Art Gallery of Knoxville this September.

The Original C Plus System is an open and modular shelving and seating system that will be launched at the COPYSHOP in Knoxville from September 12th - October 31st.

The ramification in the system symbolizes a modern world of collaboration and open culture going through the path from original to copy. The thought behind the design is to demonstrate the development of ideas and the variation of people involved in the process from original idea to the carrying out of the actual design. Therefore we will publish a public manual of how to create The Original C Plus System (TOCPS) on our website on September 12th for people interested in supporting our vision.

The Original C Plus System exhibition is supported by Jørgen Christensen Snedkeri and Kvadrat.


COPYSHOP is operated in Knoxville, Tennessee by The Art Gallery of Knoxville. COPYSHOP in Knoxville is the first official franchise of COPYSHOP.

COPYSHOP is a place where you can copy everything.

In COPYSHOP you will find products that challenge intellectual property. They can be modified originals, improved copies, political anti-brands - or a SUPERCOPY as the new original.


“Intellectual property is the oil of the 21st century”- Mark Getty, american businessman and grandson of the oil tycoon J. Paul Getty

“Mans culture and technological development as we know it, is intrinsically connected to the free and unlimited right to copy”- Morten Skriver, artist

“There has never been a time in history when more of our “culture” was as “owned” as it is now. And yet there has never been a time when the concentration of power to control the uses of culture has been as unquestioningly accepted as it is now”.- Lawrence Lessig, lawyer and writer

Intellectual property in the form of copyright, licenses and patents has an increasing importance on society - and for what we say, where we say it, and to whom we say it to. The right over ideas maintains the status quo within the current economic order.The last 10 to 20 years has seen an exponential rise in the extent of intellectual property. This is due to the economy of globalisation and to the spread of information technology.

The fundamental legal concept is as follows: ‘if value then right’, or, to put it another way, ‘where there is economic value there is intellectual property’. This expansion has caused different reactions.

For example from the Open Source movement where the ownership of code hindered the best possible development of software. This caused, among other things, the operating system linux. In Brazil state sanctioned infringements of intellectual property has enabled the production of cheaper HIV medicine.We want to confront this development and produce, promote and sell products that challenge the concept ‘If value then right’.

COPYSHOP is initiated by Superflex and Copenhagen Brains

The Art Gallery of Knoxville is dedicated to new and emerging Art. It is an open space to cultivate ideas of Art and social engagement.