Oh! Daddy A Collection of Erotic Art and Writing Needs Funding!!!

Do you like to be turned on? Do you dig being titillated? Do you need a little pick me up in the libido area? Then Oh! Daddy is the book for you!

Oh! Daddy is a collection of erotic art and fiction collected by artist Aaron Morgan. After he exhibited some of his work at the 2012 Seattle Erotic Arts Festival, he was filled with the desire to publish a collection of erotic works featuring artists and writers that excite him. Oh! Daddy is the fruit of this, his latest obsession.
Oh! Daddy is envisioned as a 100+ page full-color coffee-table book impregnated by the naughty imaginings of over 20 writers and artists from around the world. It represents a body of work shaped by heavy petting and tender kisses into a multifaceted sculpture of a modern eros. Aaron provided each contributor with one creative impulse, as light and provocative as the scantiest evening wear: “Give me something that you find deeply erotic.” With that libertine mandate, each consensual partner produced work that penetrates a different area of the body erotic.
To bring this supreme effort to a climax, to move Oh! Daddy from fantasy into hardcopy reality, we need the financial help of people who like to watch. With your support, dear voyeur, we will achieve a full release of this our seed upon the world.
The business end of this transaction involves a mere $8000 funding goal, most of which will go toward publishing the book itself. As an artist, Aaron knows the importance of paying artists for their work, and he will allocate a portion of your support to each contributor. The more money we receive beyond our base funding goal, the more each artist will be paid for their work.